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Configurable order status (Howto)
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TOPIC: Configurable order status (Howto)

Configurable order status (Howto) 12 years, 2 months ago #34883

Hello, first of all, great component. Bought it yesterday and now up an running for 95%.
But i actually bought the component for the following:

Configurable order status, when invoice is generated and sent.

But how to do that? I have the following setup:

J2.5.6 VM2.0.14

When an order is placed and paid, the status is set to confirmed by virtuemart. Then your component triggers the invoice process. Invoice is made and sent. The next thing I would like to happen is this Configurable order status, when invoice is generated and sent.

So that the status will automaticly change to for instance "status:invoice sent".

How can I configure this?
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Re: Configurable order status (Howto) 12 years, 2 months ago #34885

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

If system send an invoice to the customer, it is marked in VM Invoice database tables and all already sent invoices are visible on Invoice/Order Management (column Invoice Sent). It has nothing to do with order status, which is used from VirtueMart component.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Configurable order status (Howto) 12 years, 2 months ago #34917

Thanks for your input! Thats a clear answer. I think I can work with this.

In relation to this above question I have another.

When the invoice is sent, I would like to invite my customers to write a review on a review site. I can do this manually by entering the customers emailadress to in the customer review system. But there also is an option for automatic invitation. This link has to be called:{user}&connector={connector}&action={action}&targetMail={targetMail}&

The only important value is the {targetMail} wich has to be the buyers emailadress (to witch the invoice is also sent).

Can this link be triggered when an invoice is sent? Or can you pinpoint me in the right direction for modification of the script? Inother words, can you help me on this matter (willing to pay for it) or can you tell me what triggers the sending of invoices in your script.?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Configurable order status (Howto) 12 years, 2 months ago #34927

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. Point you are probably looking for it administrator/components/com_vminvoice/helpers/invoucehelper.php somewhere before end of sendMail() function.

You can add there something like:

if ($res===true){


Of course on dependance of your server, if file_get_contents will not work, you will need to use cURL library, etc.
Beware, if this file updates during component update, your changes are discarted and you will have to make modification again.
We can make this as paid customization for you. 1 Hour will be totally sufficient, also changes stays after upgrade.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Configurable order status (Howto) 12 years, 2 months ago #34928

Thanks for this clear answer. I really appreciate the fast response on questions!

Ill try to modify it myself. This doenst look all that hard!
Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by nsonsma.
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