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What pages can be cached.
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TOPIC: What pages can be cached.

What pages can be cached. 13 years, 3 months ago #25992

  • jsjc
  • Posts: 17
At the moment I see that this type of pages can be cached:
Category pages
Product Pages
CMS Pages

Any future releases with more things cacheable?? such us

Layered shopping pages...

What is in the roadmap for this extension?

Thanks ;)
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Re: What pages can be cached. 13 years, 3 months ago #26054

  • lubi
  • Posts: 221
We want to cache also other pages but roadmap does not exist yet.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: What pages can be cached. 13 years, 3 months ago #26104

  • jsjc
  • Posts: 17
I understand that is hard to know what to cache and what not on this very dynamic sites that are ecommerce.
I am thinking an easy way to give full cache options for "advanced users" will be similar to the dynamic blockssection. Let people choose which pages (giving URL) would like to put on cache and the module dierctly downloading them and creating the redirect on .htaccess.
In order to refresh those pages (a timeframe can be put) Sort of..

Cache this pages:;60minutes

And then the system every 60 minutes will auto updat that page.
Imagine that a busy magento site will love to have cached the most popular searches, layered navigation searches etc. Those could be updated every once in a while (giving not latest info but great speed).

I would love extensions like this to keep improving because they are great.

Looking forward to next updates ;)
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