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ARTIO Support Team



the redirection to the login/register page isn't supported in current version. We can do it as a support for you. I think it's quite simple modification.

You can change the static texts as you wish. But we recommend you to create your own language pack, because if you'll upgrade the component in future, your changes can be lost.

In this time this function isn't supported. But we can create a custom venue just for you.

Yours faithfully, Petr Dudek.
Login or Register
Category: Feature Requests

The problem could appear if you order the product as non-logged user. In this case the order can't be joined with your account and you don't have the access to the customer's section.

If you'll send us the order number, we can update it manually.
Cannot access custom ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

we don't offer an upgrade packs to increase the number of available tickets. You can reinstall the compnent or we can upgrade it for you to don't lose your data.
About the payment gateway implementation. The price depends on the complexity of implementation. To get more information, please, contact our managers: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript or Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript .
Here is an example of live site with eTickets 2.5.x:
J2.5 and Current sit ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
We don't have a migration script to increase the number of tickets. You must reinstall the component or we can do it for you as a support to don't loose your data.
To get more information about price and so on, please, contact our managers: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript , Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript .
Re: Upgrade from e-T ...
Category: e-Tickets
You can access the file probably using some FTP client and check if the file exists first (/home/content/98/8781098/html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php). If yes, check the file permission. It's enought for eticket to just read the file. So user, group and other must can read the config file.
Installation not com ...
Category: Customer Support

at this time I'm not able to find the problems. It'll need deeper analysis.
To get more information, please, contact our manager: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
Error in Google Crom ...
Category: Community Support

please, first check if the virtuemart.cfg.php file really exists and if the address is correct. If yes, then check the access rights to this file.

Yours faithfully, Petr Dudek.
Installation not com ...
Category: Customer Support

on your image I see that you are using some kind of SEF addresses rewrite.
The problem could be probably in the rewritten addresses conflict.
When clicking on 'ad ...
Category: Customer Support

Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
Error in Google Crom ...
Category: Community Support
I see that the image was created, but isn't accessible for TCPDF component.
The only other reasons I think could be some restriction in firewall or not valid HTML code of the ticket template.
Error when printing ...
Category: Community Support
Could you, please, send me the link to the problem page. I'll try to look, what's the problem
Error in Google Crom ...
Category: Community Support

it should work automatically, but some customers can have problems with the PayPal plug-in of the 2.0.0 version. Please update to the newest version. But there is a problem with the Joomla upgrade for the 2.0.0 version. So, please, read the new documentation first before the upgrade, and make the system backup.

Yours faithfully, Ing. Petr Dudek.
Paypal and automatic ...
Category: Community Support

first time, please, check if there are correct write rights for the folder from the error message.
If it still remains, in the eTicket 2.1.x there is a settings in the component options, you can set the address format of the image URL. You can try which will work.

Yours faithfully, Ing. Petr Dudek.
Error when printing ...
Category: Community Support

yes, it's feature for Chrome. because of there is a problem with flash plug-in that calls JS funtion from the lightbox. It's a security feature of Chrome. In this case it's opened in new tab, but it should call the parent window when the seats are saved and close itself.
You can try to use non-flash plugin, or maybe there is some other JS error on the page that makes this problems.

Yours faithfully, Ing. Petr Dudek.
Error in Google Crom ...
Category: Community Support

I see that all the errors are about virtuemart component. The VMeTickets requires the VirtueMart component installed before.
Please check if the VM component is installed and if the addresses from the error messages exists. Also, please, check if there are correct access rights for this files.

Yours faithfully, Ing. Petr Dudek.
Installation not com ...
Category: Customer Support

this option is already there. You can set the price for all payment and shipping plug-ins, but this fee can be only a fixed price, e.g. 5$, not percent of order price.
Credit Card Charges
Category: Feature Requests
I can send it to your email. Please, write me on Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
SQL Error
Category: Community Support

Yes, this problem is caused by the upgrade. There is many database changes in the 2.1.1 version. But Joomla has a bug in the upgrade process. You must do some database changes before the upgrade, or the database structure isn't upgraded.
The action before upgrade is described in the documentation.
Later versions will be able to upgrade without problems.
SQL Error
Category: Community Support

If you want to translate the eTicket component. You just need the language packs. They are stored in folders "language" and "administrator/language" as all Joomla language packs. Subfolder depends on the language. The files are named "en-GB.com_vmeticket.ini".
Each module or plug-in has it's own language pack stored in the same folder.
translate artio
Category: Translations

what PayPal details you wish to get?
Probably tomorrow will be published new version of eTicket with many modifications. Also PayPal payment plig-in is upgraded.
Seat selection overr ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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