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All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! !
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TOPIC: All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! !

Re:All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! ! 14 years, 7 months ago #13841


I' ve found this manual I hope that's up to date

At the moment I'm using PHP 5.2.13 and the problems began with 3.7.
Now the best is to begin the work and fix future problems, I will do:
    upgrade again to 3.7

    MySQL delete following tables: database tables (#__sefaliases, #__sefexts, #__sefexttexts, #__sefmoved, #__sefurls, #__sefurlword_xref, #__sefwords

    rename the databases without the suffix

I've seen that the ARTIO JoomSEF Configuration file Unwriteable, is that correct?? If not where can I find this file.
Can I send you the .htaccess file to have a quick look??

thanks and regards

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Re:All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! ! 14 years, 7 months ago #13842

1: ok...

2 and 5: the type of url i get is this: localhost/SiteFinal/index.php?option=com...mcchk=1&Itemid=1
and to be more precise: when in french site: all the products i click on link to the same product... and when in english site, all the products i click on link to the cart page....
so, the VM doesn't work at all....
i don't know about the variables disappearing, you see as i see in the screenshot, there's none... so as i'm tired of saying it's joomsef's fault, with you answering it's not, and me trying/proving it is, lets's say it's just jesus's fault, anyway how do i get these variables back?

3: like i said, once more, it's jesus's fault, but no matters, the problem's here and since a "from scratch" install gives the same problem, it's staying, but like i asked, does the solution i found affect anyting in the search engine optimisation?

4:i'll go and check what you told in the other topic...

Last Edit: 14 years, 7 months ago by bagou01.
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Re:All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! ! 14 years, 7 months ago #13882

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The documentation is up to date.
The JoomSEF's configuration file is located in /administrator/components/com_sef/configuration.php and it needs to be writable if you want to change JoomSEF's configuration.
Of course, you can post your .htaccess file content.


So none of the VirtueMart URLs are SEF? Or just some of them? Could you post real examples of the URLs that link to the same page?

To get the default variable filters, you can uninstall your VM extension and install it again, or you can add them manually by following the Usage steps or the documentation. First set the Filter variables field to "product_id; category_id; manufacturer_id; flypage; page", click Apply, then add the following rules:
^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$ for variables page,flypage
^[0-9]*$ for variables product_id,category_id,manufacturer_id

As regards the separators problem - I understand that you are testing this on localhost so I can't see the problem on your website. But you say that it happens also when installing from scratch. I haven't encountered this problem on my test site, so please, write down the complete steps I need to take to reproduce this bug on clear Joomla! installation - what components and modules to install, how to configure them and how to create the menu items causing problems.
The base href set to "Yes - always use full SEO URL" is basically the default Joomla's behaviour when JoomSEF is disabled, so there shouldn't be any problem with that.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! ! 14 years, 7 months ago #13886

all the urls are messed.
i'll try uninstalling VM extension but how can i do that?
for the separators, the "procedure" was to install the last joomla, ja purity2, nothing else , then joomsef, but as long as it works with the parameter "always use full SEO urls", let's forget this until i put my website online.

EDIT: about VM, apparently it hadn't installed correctly...
all my apologies to the artio team about that, i'll try it back again and see if it works better and keep you up to date...
Last Edit: 14 years, 7 months ago by bagou01.
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Re:All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! ! 14 years, 7 months ago #13887

it seems to be all working out now.
i repeat my apologies to the artio team concerning the VM part of my problems,it was my fault, i had checked it all 2 times but i should have checked 3....
i'll say when the site is online for you to check the separator problem (even though it's not that bad anymore)
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Re:All the problems i get since update.. HELP ! ! 14 years, 7 months ago #13888

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
No problem, I'm glad that it finally works for you.

As regards the separators, I've just tested the JA Purity II template and it's main menu creates all the separators clickable (having the link of "#"). In order for them not to redirect to any page and stay on the current one, the "Set page base href value" option in JoomSEF needs to be set correctly (basically any option except the "Yes - always use only base URL" should work, but that depends on the particular web site). So if the "Yes - always use full SEO URL" works for you, it should be ok.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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