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Profile for bagou01

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 00:26
  • Posts: 38
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given that we are here in the paying users section, is there a way to receive some feedback?
joomsef slows my sit ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i've been using joomsef on my site for some months now, and i just discovered something weird.
my site has always been kind of slow, even very slow.
from time to time, it was even disconnected from my host, because of too much cpu use, and it took average from 10 seconds to 1 minute to load....
i disabled joomsef very recently, and my site has been quick as hell since. so it makes no doubt that joomsef it the one slowing the stuff..
how can i check where it comes from in joomsef?
of even, i only use joomsef for two reasons: clean urls, and so that tu urls typed without WWW are redirected to a one typed with WWW. so is there a way to have joomsef do only those things? no meta stuff creation, no anything but these two simple things?
or even even better, have joomsef do its work without getting my host to kick me because of cpu overload?


joomsef slows my sit ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
ok i hope it will be done someday then :)
CKforms messed up by ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
ps i tried clearing cache and purging sef urls, then putting back the ckforms extension ON (joomsef handler in options), but then i get only english... weird...
the thing i found that's the closest to working is putting in options: "joomsef basic rewriting", but then the urls are a bit longer...
any idea how to make that work flawlessly?
CKforms messed up by ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
in my website , i have a ckforms i use to allow people to send me photos. this form is, like the rest of my website, available in french and english.

sadly though, when i enable joomsef, the forms becomes always in french and i get an error message "sorry the code you entered is invalid" as if someone entered a wrong captcha, everytime i click on this page.i got joomsef 3.7.4 and ckforms extension installed...
how can i solve that?
i had to disable the ckforms extension in joomsef but i then get messy urls....
CKforms messed up by ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
on my website: ,
depending on if i use the WWW at the begining of the url or not, the modules used become not clickable anymore.

do you think it can be joomsef related? if yes, how can i correct this?


with or without "WWW ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
any updates?
joomsef messes with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
well...if i disable joomsef, i loose the multilangual possibility...
the button to chose french/english is still there, but it doesn't work anymore...
joomsef messes with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
sorry i didn't see the button.
well, did it but it still doesn't work...
do you want an admin login for the website to check by yourself?

thanks again anyway

joomsef messes with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
the always use language option was already enabled.
also, i can't manage to "delete" the /home/cart URL because there's no possibility to delete it, no "delete" button. at best can i desactivate it,but the i get a 404 error message...
how to delete it?
joomsef messes with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
well,it was activated already....
so could this come from elsewhere?
joomsef messes with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
on my website: i got a small problem:
if i'm using the french version of the website, after adding the product to the cart, and clicking the "checkout" button, the site becomes the english version... so it switches languages all by itself, and does it only the first time, so i thought it could come from joomsef...
do you think it could be a joomsef issue? as it messes up the urls...
joomsef messes with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
thanks a lot for the answer
joomsef enabled only ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i'm using the last version of joomsef and put my website online some days ago.
sadly, i happened to discover that joomsef makes the URLs sef only after the first click,
for example, watch the url of this screenshot when it was the first click, if i come back to main page and click again the url is sef, but not the first time...
any idea how to solve that?

the site is
joomsef enabled only ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
it seems to be all working out now.
i repeat my apologies to the artio team concerning the VM part of my problems,it was my fault, i had checked it all 2 times but i should have checked 3....
i'll say when the site is online for you to check the separator problem (even though it's not that bad anymore)
All the problems i g ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
all the urls are messed.
i'll try uninstalling VM extension but how can i do that?
for the separators, the "procedure" was to install the last joomla, ja purity2, nothing else , then joomsef, but as long as it works with the parameter "always use full SEO urls", let's forget this until i put my website online.

EDIT: about VM, apparently it hadn't installed correctly...
all my apologies to the artio team about that, i'll try it back again and see if it works better and keep you up to date...
All the problems i g ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
1: ok...

2 and 5: the type of url i get is this: localhost/SiteFinal/index.php?option=com...mcchk=1&Itemid=1
and to be more precise: when in french site: all the products i click on link to the same product... and when in english site, all the products i click on link to the cart page....
so, the VM doesn't work at all....
i don't know about the variables disappearing, you see as i see in the screenshot, there's none... so as i'm tired of saying it's joomsef's fault, with you answering it's not, and me trying/proving it is, lets's say it's just jesus's fault, anyway how do i get these variables back?

3: like i said, once more, it's jesus's fault, but no matters, the problem's here and since a "from scratch" install gives the same problem, it's staying, but like i asked, does the solution i found affect anyting in the search engine optimisation?

4:i'll go and check what you told in the other topic...

All the problems i g ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
yeah well... sadly enough i don't have it anymore... i was a bit stupid to erase it, i know, but i thought that an "update" would improve things, not send my site to hell....

i'll put my head on another part of my site now, i'll go on translating it all, hoping that when i'm finished, artio will have solved these problems. Because right now, i'm starting to wonder if, with all the time i spend "discovering" bugs, trying to solve them and reporting them, it wouldn' be cheaper for me to buy SH404SEF and simply forget i paid 42€ for something that (maybe worked at a time), brings me nothing but time loss now... i feel a bit like a was paying to be a beta-tester...

please artio, correct these stuffs ASAP .


All the problems i g ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i create new topics one after another for bugs/problems occuring since i installed the last version of joomsef / virtuemart SEO, these mostly didn't occur before but sadly i've had to rebuild the site from scratch using these last versions...
i'm on joomla 1.5.20, virtuemart 1.1.5, joomfish 2.04, and the last joomsef.
so i thought i'd put them all in one single topic, it'd be easier to follow...

1 .htaccess is written wrong by joomsef / SOLVED by correctig the file (bug corrected in the next version to come, you said...)

2 no more variables in the virtuemart extension (see attached screenshot ), so then i can correct the expression but can't assign it to anything, so even though i have virtuemart SEO installed, i keep getting shitty URLS with my virtuemart.

3 still, the separator becomes clickable when i use them as parent menu and activate joomsef.
found a way to solve it by setting the advanced parameter to YES always use full SEO URL.

4 even though i have joomfish 2.04, i still have to deactivate the JFrouter to not get only 404 urls... i did all the documentation says except for the first option, Language integration

This option must match the setting set in the JoomFish router parameters - only the include in path and use different domains options are available.

this option has to match the jfrouter one, but there's nothing in either one or the other that can match each other: see picture, it shows the parameters ine my jfrouter, so you see, there's nothing such as "include in path" or "use different domains" so i don't see how anything could match...

5 when joomsef is activated, i can't access my virtuemart product pages anymore, everytime i click on one product, it links directly to the cart page.. (maybe linked to problem 4)

please help...
All the problems i g ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
small up for this topic.
still the same problem present (except that now, using "yes always use full SEO URL" works also, but the default parameter doesn't... separators used as parent menus are clickable with joomsef enabled...
so can i leave it to "yes always use full SEO URL" or should i digg deeper to find out the problem?

also, the second problem from the first post is back (virtuemart urls not working...)
i tried to do as told but since i installed the last version of the virtuemart extension too, all the boxes are empty, so i cann add a rule but can't assign it to anything... (see attached screenshot)
how do i do that? coz it worked the first time (but if i recall well, there were variables then).

virtuemartSEO not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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