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Adding an itemid to a component
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TOPIC: Adding an itemid to a component

Adding an itemid to a component 13 years, 8 months ago #22431

Hi all

I have had a component made by a third party (a calculator with many features) and I am having problems making the menu associated with this component appear in the left column. The left menu has a link to the component but after that you use links within the component to navigate. Because the component generates new pages for an address book etc it is not possible to make SEF URL's of the links in the component.

So in the extensions panel, I have set the handling of the component to 'do not sef'

Now if I click on a link in the component the URl generated is:


Now if I add &Itemid=837 to that URL which was the link I made in the left menu to make:


The menu appears correctly.

Does anyone know if it is possible for me to associate '&Itemid=837' with the third party component? A long shot but Joomsef seems to have many gems up its sleeve.

I hope that makes sense.


David J
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Re: Adding an itemid to a component 13 years, 8 months ago #22589

  • jaku
if there is a menu link associated with the component, then the Itemid corresponds to the menu link ID.

If the JoomSEF handler is set to "do not sef" for this component, JoomSEF should do no interaction - including any manipulation with Itemid - it simply keeps the URL as is. Anyway, you may try to play with the Itemid handling settings in JoomSEF to see if it helps.
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Re: Adding an itemid to a component 13 years, 8 months ago #22689

Hi Jan

Thank you for your response.


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