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Profile for David J

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 09:30
  • Posts: 23
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Hi Jan

Thank you for your response.


Adding an itemid to ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi all

I have had a component made by a third party (a calculator with many features) and I am having problems making the menu associated with this component appear in the left column. The left menu has a link to the component but after that you use links within the component to navigate. Because the component generates new pages for an address book etc it is not possible to make SEF URL's of the links in the component.

So in the extensions panel, I have set the handling of the component to 'do not sef'

Now if I click on a link in the component the URl generated is:


Now if I add &Itemid=837 to that URL which was the link I made in the left menu to make:


The menu appears correctly.

Does anyone know if it is possible for me to associate '&Itemid=837' with the third party component? A long shot but Joomsef seems to have many gems up its sleeve.

I hope that makes sense.


David J
Adding an itemid to ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there
I have a very popular page on my site that ranks well on Google. I now want to change page for a new one but the 'non sef' url will not be the same (different menu item type). Does anyone know if Google also takes into consideration the non sef url? And if yes, should I just do a 301 redirect.


David J
Does Google index th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi David

Only appearing on the login page and the registration (create an account) page.

The test site is

Email sent with usr name and pswd.

Thank you

David J
Artio advertising ap ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have just added the AJAX Register component to help stem some of the spam via an added capthca.

In the bottom left corner, the Joomla SEF URLs by Artio link is now appearing. As much as I love Joomsef, the link on the registration page is completely out of context.

Any ideas how to remove the link? ( the makers of Ajax register say it's nothing to do with them!).


David J
Artio advertising ap ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi David
That makes everything very easy then Particularly when redirecting URL's with special characters.

Thank you

David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hopefully my last question on the 301 redirect issue!

I now have a choice of either using the new aliases feature to redirect old URL's to the new Joomla URL's or I can add the 301's to the .htaccess file.

I would prefer to use the new aliases feature but wondered if the makes a difference to Google, Bing etc?

The 301 redirect (I believe) tells Google etc. that page1.html is now page2.html then updates its index accordingly.

Will using the aliases feature achieve the same thing?

Thank you

David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
As I thought, I found an extra '=' in the SOBI2 code that should not have been there. Removed it and now everything is fine. So it was not the fault of Jomsef and everything is looking good!

Can't wait to actually launch the site now!!

Thank you

David J
Update to JoomSEF 3. ...
Category: Extensions
I don't quite understand where is the '==' coming from? You typed the URLs manually in some articles?

No they were not typed in manually. The '==' only appears on SOBI2 Url's. The SOBI side of the site was set up by an outsourced developer. I have already found a number of Itemid's added in strange places to mess things up. Maybe the extra '=' is another one. I will investigate the templates now.

Interestingly, although the categories do not show the SEF URL with '=='

The listings within the categories work fine with the '=='

Thank you

David J
Update to JoomSEF 3. ...
Category: Extensions
Hi David

That's good news!

Thank you

David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi David
Does the latest version 3.6.5 allow for url's in directories such as:



David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi David

Setting fix index.php to no made no difference to the URL but removing the one '=' makes the URL correct.

The trouble is I have 330 categories which is going to take an age to go through.

As the URL's OK before the upgrade from 3.6.3 to 3.6.5 is there any way to go back to the old version?

Alternatively, is there a quicker way of removing the unwanted '='?


David J
Update to JoomSEF 3. ...
Category: Extensions

Thanks for posting. I had the same problem (upgraded from 3.6.3 to 3.6.5).

I have set the "Filter system variables" option to no and now SOBI2 is working but my categories are not producing SEF URL's


is coming out as


The index.php is missing.

If I add the index.php to ?option=com_sobi2&catid=317&Itemid==37 the correct SEF URL is displayed.

Any ideas how I can get back my SEF Category URL's?


David J
Update to JoomSEF 3. ...
Category: Extensions
Thanks for posting and sharing Muzzy. It help to get my Glossary component running correctly.

David J
Glossary SEF
Category: Extensions
Hi David
It should be pointed out that if your old url was in a directory then using this method does not work.

this-page=?.html does work.

pages/this-page=?.html does not work

As most of my old url's are in a sub directory (as it is a large web site) the new aliases feature is not going to help me.

Is this something that can be rectified in a future release?


David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
No drama
Thanks David for the rapid response.
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Sorry David. Another quick question on the Aliases page. I have a folder on the old html web site with about 90 pages (and 90 URL's) Theses pages are all out of date and are no longer needed on the site. There is one new page that I want to point all these old URL's to which will be the new news page.

So my question is: rather than redirecting each URL to the new joomla URL like this:


added to the aliases section of: late-payment-legislation-news

is it possible just to redirect the news folder so any URL within the news folder will be redirected?


added to the aliases section of:late-payment-legislation-news


301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you David

I noticed this when upgrading and hoped the the feature you promised was this. It works a treat! This software is getting better and better.

Thank you!

301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi David. Thank you for your reply. I have some URL's like '?this=that&these=those' so it sounds like a bit of both methods to create the redirects.

David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi all

Bit of a newbie question I'm afraid.
I have an old html website which has been rebuilt in Joomla! I'm using joomsef to create friendly URL's and title tags etc. My question is the best way to redirect the old URL's to the new Joomla! URL's. Can this be done using the 'Manage 301 redirects' feature in joomsef or should I manually change the .htaccess file?

Also should I point the old html URL's to the core Joomla! URL's or the joomsef friendly URL's?

Any advice or help would be appreciated.


David J
301 redirect questio ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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