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Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2
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TOPIC: Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2

Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 8 months ago #6967

  • jaku
Dear Keith,

thanks a lot for your fast feedback. Hopefully this is today's last release. :-) (2.0.5)
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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 8 months ago #6970

  • hwy52
  • Posts: 11
2.05 Looks really good.

Thanks for the really great effort.

Much appreciated.



P.S. Would it be possible to send me the updated 2.05 extension? Or would I be able to redownload it?
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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 8 months ago #6972

  • jaku
Thank you as well for cooperation on debugging.
Yes, sure, if you will use the download section, you will get the latest version.
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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 8 months ago #7276

  • hwy52
  • Posts: 11
I thought I would follow up on this post as I noticed one small area you may want to take a look at.

It has to do with duplicate links to Sobi items only from the Sobi2 RSS pages.

Here is an example of a link that is present on a Sobi RSS page.

This is the RSS Page in Question

The Link to a listing from said RSS page

The Link to the same listing everywhere else.

Joom SEF renders the above two links as two different URLS.

Notice just the different catid??

Sobi2 Extension 2.05
Sobi2 2.9.2

Add Conatc to ID=No
Add Cats to URL=No
Add Cat ID to URL=No
Prev Dupl - Use first

Not a big issue, I just thought you might want to know.


Last Edit: 15 years, 8 months ago by hwy52.
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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 8 months ago #7288

  • jaku
Helllo Keith,

well, the behavour of JoomSEF in this case is correct I assume. While there two different catid, there are also two different URLs.
The question is, why different catids are used, if this is supposed to be RSS for the same category? Or are those different categories (e.g. root category and other category?)

I think this should be discussed with authors of SOBI2, so they could either give an explanantion if this is wanted behaviour or fix it if it is a bug.
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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 7 months ago #7474

  • hwy52
  • Posts: 11
Actually I dont think the extension is quite functioning as it should.

The catid is the unique number the identifies the category that a particular listing is assigned to.

The sobi2id is the unique number that indentifies the listing itself.

The developers of Sobi2 also provide an SEF plug in. It is available for free download.

I had mentioned previously that I prefer to use Joom SEF when I can because of its flexability and overall performance.

Both Sobi SEF and the Joom SEF Sobi extension (version 2.05) allow the user to include or exclude the category name the listing is assinged to from the URL.

Joom SEF has the setting - "Add Categories to URL" - Options No, Last one, All
Sobi SEF has the settings - "Add Category to Entry URL' - Options Yes/No
If 'yes', the name of one of the categories where the entry has been assigned, will be added to the URL. You can change this category later in sef.
Sobi also has the setting - "Add All Categories to Entry URL" - Options Yes/No
If 'yes', a separate URL will be created for every category where the entry has been added. Otherwise, only one category will be taken for all URLs.

I want ony one URL generated regardless of how many categories a listing is in so in Joom SEF I set "Add Categories to URL" to No. Also Add Cat ID to url is No.
In Sobi SEF I would set both above settings to No.

This is the somewhat long winded answer to why there are different catids and why they may or may not generate different urls depending on user preference.

When functioning properly the user should be able to have one URL for listings that have different catid's in the non SEF url.

The following four urls were taken from the "Internal" column of my Sobi SEF table sobi2_plugin_sef

With the Sobi SEF settings as above all four of these urls point to the same SEF url.

My issue with the Sobi extenson 2.05 for Joom SEF is that it is generating two urls for listings that are the same even when I have it correctly set to NOT add categories to URL (and add catid to url = no).

The two urls below create two SEF urls when they should only generate one (in JoomSEF using the Sobi ext 2.05).


The second issue with version 2.05 is that it does not rewrite the Sobi2 tags. Sobi writes the non sef url

These tags need to be created dynamically as there are too many to do yourself.

Als the extension does not rewrite the RSS link (there are lts of them).

Sobi write like this:

I am not sure if you have the time to fix this or how many you sell. If you look at the three areas I mentioned that would be great.

Keep in mind that Sobi is at version When you updated this extension you would have used 2.9.2. There was someting related to SEF in the changlog for


Last Edit: 15 years, 7 months ago by hwy52. Reason: typo
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