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Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2
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TOPIC: Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2

Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 9 months ago #6897

  • hwy52
  • Posts: 11
I am having issues with the Sobi2 plug in on the latest version of Sobi2 - 2.9.1. (J 1.5.10)
I had purchased version 2.0 of the Joom SEF plug in some time ago.

My issue is that Joom SEF is creating multiple urls to the same listing.


If I change extension setting to not show any cats Joom SEF still creats three urls to the same listing in this example.


add cat id = no
add contact idl=no
add cat to url no , last one , all it doesnt matter - still creates dups.
caching disabled for testing. Joomla caching disabled as well. URLS cleared at every opportunity.

I would ask Artio to revisit this extension based on the most recent Sobi2 version 2.9.1

I spent 2 hours on this the other day and could not get it to stop generating dups.

Sobi's SEF plug in worked great ( no dups) but I had a separate filtering issue with that.

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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 9 months ago #6910

  • jaku

I think the problem might be elsewhere - JoomSEF will always create a new URL, if there exists a different original URL (the only exception is, if the URL differest only in Itemid).
This means, that if you want to have a single URL, you need to make sure, there are no different "source" URLs.
Alternativelly, you may have different "source" URLs => different SEO URLs and the use the newly introduced canonical link feature to tell Google what is the "main" URL.

To be clear about this, please, post here, what are the source links for the SEO URLs already posted.

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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 9 months ago #6915

  • hwy52
  • Posts: 11
Thanks for your reply.

When Sobi SEF writes there urls they first exclude the catid





(Note: Add Category to Entry URL set to no, Add All Categories to Entry URL set to no)

This is the same url just in different categories - not four different urls.

In Sobi2 if I add a listing to a child category it appears when you select the parent. Also it may also appear on the component page. This is the same listing not three different listings and many times it should be the same url.

To handle duplicate titles they have a setting "Add id to furl".

In that case the links above all would appear as


I am not crazy about that method and would prefer the ability to put the Sobi2 id in the path.

Doesnt that look better?

With respect I would advise that the Sobi people designed their SEF plug in around how they intended their extension to work and how people use it.

If Artio was able to modify their extension to accomodate I would certainly be purchasing an update as I prefer the additional precision I get with joom SEF.


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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 9 months ago #6920

  • jaku
Dear Keith,

as regards the issue #1) I was testing this.

If you configure "Add Category to Entry URL" to NO in JoomSEF SOBI2 extension setting you will get exactly the URLs you want. Just make sure your SOBI2 cache is OFF when testing this.
I just downloaded the latest SOBI2 version and tested it and it works fine. We have also done some small cosmetic changes to SOBI2 extension, so you may upgrade to 2.0.1.

issue 2) in JoomSEF extension, you may choose wheter all categories should be involved in SEF URL, just last one or none. You can also configure of entry or category ID can be added. I believe, that should be enough to achieve what you need.
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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 9 months ago #6934

  • hwy52
  • Posts: 11
Hi Jan,

Following up on this on just downloaded the new version 2.02 right from your site and installed.

I am assume we are both using Sobi2 2.9.1, J 1.5.10 and Joom SEF 3.3.0.

I have all Sobi cache (1-3) disabled.

I have only one listing in my Sobi directory.

Joom SEF extension Settings are
Add Contact ID to URL = No
Add Categories to URL = No
Add Category ID to URL = No
Prevent Seacrh Dup = Use root category

That one listing is still be duplicated as below

Listing on Main (Component) Sobi Page
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]: /excess-inventory/250-black-acetal-rod
JRouter::getVars() and buildQuery: /index.php?option=com_sobi2&catid=0&sobi2Id=3&sobi2Task=sobi2Details&Itemid=190

Listing in Parent Category
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]: /excess-inventory/250-black-acetal-rod-3
JRouter::getVars() and buildQuery: /index.php?option=com_sobi2&catid=8&sobi2Id=3&sobi2Task=sobi2Details&Itemid=190

Ref to listing in Sobi Latest Module
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]: /excess-inventory/250-black-acetal-rod-2
JRouter::getVars() and buildQuery: /index.php?option=com_sobi2&sobi2Id=3&sobi2Task=sobi2Details&Itemid=190

I am assuming we both agree that the three URLs above should al be the same, however they are all different.

After making any changes I cleared any previously generated urls. All Joomla cache disable.


Add Category ID to URL setting only seems to effect Categories not listing urls. Maybe its supposed to work that way. An actual example from my site is.
Add category ID to URL = No
example - mechanicals/
Add category ID to URl =yes
example - 8-mechanicals/

Issue does not seem to be related to the contact ID which = Sob2 ID. The add contact id to url seems to work fine (allthough I thought this would be better in the path the prepended).

Issue seems to be related to the category ID in the listings url. The only difference in the above three non SEF urls is the catid.
URL 1 - catid=0, URL 2 - catid=8, URL 3 - no cat id.

I am on the right track?

Thanks for your help in getting this to work. If you could review it once more and help me with the duplicate urls I would appreciate it.


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Re:Duplicate URL issues with SOBI 2 15 years, 9 months ago #6936

  • jaku
Hi Keith,

I think I have identified the problem.
- as regards the duplicates 1 & 2, there was a missing condition for root category, which is fixed now
- as regards duplicate 2 & 3, the problem is, that if the Prevent Seacrh Dup = Use root category, and the sobi latest module does not put there catid, it is not added automatically and thus a duplicated URL is created

We will post another fix for this, so please, upgrade when available. (later today)
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