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Upgrade joomsef 2.3.4 to 3.2.0 - problem with URLs
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TOPIC: Upgrade joomsef 2.3.4 to 3.2.0 - problem with URLs

Upgrade joomsef 2.3.4 to 3.2.0 - problem with URLs 14 years, 5 months ago #14810

Hi !

I'm migrating a Joomla 1.0.15 to a 1.5.20. I migrated the data with mtwmigrator to recover all my URLs in the new version of JoomSEF.

Under joomla 1.0.15 JoomSEF is version 2.3.4 while under version 1.5.20, the version I currently have v3.2.0 because right now with version 3.7.4, mtwmigrator did not want to transfer data .

I'm recovering well my urls, but it does not pass on the site ....

When I edit an address that has been imported from the old version of JoomSEF I have this:

index.php? option=com_content&id=8&task=&Itemid=31blogsection

JoomSEF create a new address changed with this:


Is there a way to change this so that I take up the addresses that I already created before ?

because I have more of 4000url created and I did not really want to start again manually...


Re:Upgrade joomsef 2.3.4 to 3.2.0 - problem with URLs 14 years, 5 months ago #14861

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

It looks like a bit of a problem. Joomla 1.0.15 and 1.5.20 are having a little different address formats. If you migrated your old data to new Joomla version, SEF generated new records for new, a little different, links. This SEF links are probably different from your old format SEF URL addresses. It should be a problem, when you are using SEF URLs in articles and orher content. Becouse this links will be out of order.
There is only one way to change it. Create a batch script, to change your old non-SEF URLs to new format.
ARTIO Support Team
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