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TOPIC: too many pages

Re:too many pages 17 years, 3 months ago #3435

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563
Well, you react just to point 3) of my reply.

What about the points 1) and 2)?
JoomSEF maybe used for any site size, just the bigger site you have, the bigger attention you need to pay to it. In your case, you need to identify reason, why it you are having so many URLs genrated and which component does generate them. Use the component-filter in JoomSEF edit/view to help you identify this. (or check directly in DB)

Knowing this, we might be able to tell you... either there is some component that does not support SEO or that needs to be optimized.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:too many pages 17 years, 3 months ago #3437

I already set many components to skip... items that no sef urls are needed for. So, step #1 is already done. Regarding step #2, the only components generating any serious number of sef urls is Content and AkoComment... both with JoomSEF support. I have now set AkoComment to skip so no sef urls are made for it. We'll see how that helps.

However, we still have no answer to WHAT IS THE ACTUAL LIMIT? This would be very helpful to know. The vast majority of my sef urls are coming from valid content items, section/category pages, etc. I'm obviously close to the limit and even if I buy myself some time by removing the comments component from SEF, I'll still eventually hit that limit again. Please answer that question so I (and anyone else) can know if we need to be finding another solution as our sites grow. Thanks.

I use JoomSEF on MANY sites so I really would like to know what limitations do exist.
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Re:too many pages 17 years, 3 months ago #3444

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

well, there is no easy answer on this.
What is the limit? What limit you mean?

Do you mean what is the limit of stored URLs in the _redirection table? Well, that greatly depends on your DB server, whether it is shared or dedicated, what is its HW configuration etc. Although MySQL has its limits, it is capable of handling hunderds of thousands or even millions of rows in one table. Still searching should be pretty fast thanks to indexing.

If you mean the limit of queries done during 1 request at your site, that is dependant on how complex your pages are (how many links have to be translated during one request). Here it is question of site design and this can also be optimized by caching. Having many DB request in one site page request can slow it down, but this is not really as much related to the number of records in table, more it depends on the total number of queries.

So I am really not sure, what would you like to hear. If you are considering other solution, what would that be? Of course, you could get a solution that does not use DB storage at all (as e.g. default Joomla! SEO does), but then you would not be able to get so \"nice\" URLs. So, more then a questoin of JoomSEF limit, this is a question of your server and DB limits. Considering JoomSEF is DB-based SEO solution, we made everything to make it as much effective as possible under given circumstances (way how Joomla! does work).

So there is a plenty of options, plenty of solutions. I do not know how many pages your site has, how many visitors per hour you have, how much new content is added every day., what is your HW, is it shared or dedicated... but even if I would know these, I wouldn't be able to say 500.000 is the limit -- that would need some benchmarking and checking conditions you have.

If your site seems to be slow even with 45.000 of records, then either the DB server does not have enough capacity or it is configured wrong. 45.000 of records in one table in DB world is \"nothing\".
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:too many pages 17 years, 3 months ago #3451

I never said the site was slow. It works fine, then all of a sudden... \"too many pages\". If I kill SEF, the problem goes away. It is not too many content items, but too many SEF entries. If you delete a chunk of SEF entries, the error goes away. So you're trying to say that is because of a server setting?? This site does share a server with about 70 other sites, but most of the others pull very little traffic. The \"issue site\" is getting about 4000 visits / 150000 hits per day. It has it's own static IP address. There are about 24K content items in Joomla with probably 50 added each day. I know the server has 4GB of memory and dual processors. I know it's not a hardware issue. Is there a particular server setting, php setting, etc that you can think of that MAY need adjusted? If so, please give details.

Obviously, I'm not the only one that has experienced this problem, so let's help each other solve it. Thanks.
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Re:too many pages 17 years, 3 months ago #3454

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563
Ok, so you are getting \"too many pages\" error from JoomSEF? In that case, it means, there is some SEF on for some component that is not supported. In such case, it may happen that instead of URLs like:

domain.xy/somepage.html, domain.xy/anotherpage.html

you are getting:
domain.xy/1.html, domain.xy/2.html .... domain.xy/3000.html ... domain.xy/9999.html
... ok, and that is the limit!

But if you are getting URLs like this, it is wrong, you should always do something about it. Either disable SEF for component doing this or get a SEF plug-in for it.

But I do not think you are getting this for com_content pages. Neither for akoComment, as we use that also. So either there is another component causing this or there is something wrong at your site. Check the list of your SEF URLs once again and look for the URLs as mentioned above. Then check the original, \"real\" URL and you will see what componention is causing that (option=com_xxx).
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:too many pages 17 years, 2 months ago #3520

Hi, I have today same problem. 99459 urls and message \"Too many pages\". Need too any real solution - Iam using AdsManager. Hope limit can be shut down any way. M.
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