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Virtuemart URLs missing domain name
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TOPIC: Virtuemart URLs missing domain name

Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain name 13 years ago #25813

See attached my settings; would appreciate your advise asap, as for now we have disabled SEF in our website due to this problem
Test Site:
Joomla 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.10
Joomsef 4.2.8
Joomsef Virtuemart Extension 3.0.6
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25814

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
What versions of Joomla and VirtueMart do you use?
(Jakou používáte verzi Joomly a VirtueMartu?)
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25815

Joomla 1.5.23, Virtuemart 1.1.9
Test Site:
Joomla 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.10
Joomsef 4.2.8
Joomsef Virtuemart Extension 3.0.6
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25816

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
I can't replicate this problem on my test server. Would it be possible for you to send me the access credentials to your website's administration area and FTP, so I could test it directly there? I could wait for time, when there's low traffic on your website. My e-mail is: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25822

Nastavení i systém mám identický jako Asus80

Setting up the system and I am identical to Asus80

Joomla 1.5.23 VM 1.1.9 SEF 3.9.0 VMSEF 2.0.38
Last Edit: 13 years ago by DAVIS.Copperfield.
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25823

Přihlašovací údaje na server jsem Vám poslal emailem, aby jste to viděl v praxi ...

Login to the server, I sent you email that you've seen it in practice ...
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