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Virtuemart URLs missing domain name
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TOPIC: Virtuemart URLs missing domain name

Virtuemart URLs missing domain name 13 years ago #25797

I have just installed the latest versions of Joomsef 3 and the virtuemart extension on joomla 1.5 and all the virtuemart URLs are missing the domain name and instead have "Array":


Could you advise where the "Array" is coming from and how to replace it with the domain?


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Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25802

Dobrý den,

mám kegální vetzi artrio joom sef i viirtuemart sef...

Při aktualizaci s verze 3.8.3 na 3.9.0 ze serveru celý web totálně spadne do chybového stavu 500

Proto jsem nainstaloval čístou verzi včetně adresářů a databáze verzi 3.9.0 - vše jede bez problému,

ale až nainstaluji virtuemart ( legální ) ve verzi 2..0.38 geberují se mi adresy ve virtuemart správně ale bez domény...

Místo aby generovalo :

Generuje :


Umazává mi doménmu a nahrazuje ji slovem arrawy.

Můžete mi někdo poradit co s tím - mám tak zablokované produkty od seznamu a heureky pro protokol 400 a nemohu vygenerovat nové url...

Děkuji David Prchal
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25804

  • jaku
thank you for your message, we will check this right away.

I believe this can be related to some setting, can you please send us screenshot of your VirtueMart extension settings (extension + common tab) + JoomSEF settings (basic + advanced tabs).
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URGENT!!!! Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain name 13 years ago #25805

URGENT!! This happens to our Virtuemart site also ( after upgrading to 3.9.0 and 2.0.38!!! Please advise how to replace the array with the site domain, our customers cannot have access to the products!!!
Test Site:
Joomla 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.10
Joomsef 4.2.8
Joomsef Virtuemart Extension 3.0.6
Last Edit: 13 years ago by atrus80.
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25808

A česky prosím ???
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Re: Virtuemart URLs missing domain 3.9.0 a 2.0.38 13 years ago #25809

jaku wrote:
thank you for your message, we will check this right away.

I believe this can be related to some setting, can you please send us screenshot of your VirtueMart extension settings (extension + common tab) + JoomSEF settings (basic + advanced tabs).

Jaku nastavení je originální po čisté instalaci joomsef 3.9.0

Jake's original settings after a clean install JoomSEF 3.9.0
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