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problem with fontpage and artio
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TOPIC: problem with fontpage and artio

problem with fontpage and artio 16 years, 1 month ago #5617

Hi im using joomla 1.0.12 and artio 2.3.1.

if i turn creating new sef urls off, everything is ok, just menu item which is directed to forntpage chaged from sef url back to non sef url?
same happened with joomfish language selection which is directet do front page too....

my se f url is :
non sef url is: ... =1&lang=en

please help


Re:problem with fontpage and artio 16 years, 1 month ago #5631

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563
nor sure why it acts like this, but try to define the frontpage link as fixed URL ""
ARTIO Support Team

Re:problem with fontpage and artio 16 years, 1 month ago #5633


vsimol som si celkovo, ze ak artio neprida nic k url ze ostane cista to je v pripade different domains u obidvoch jazykov a v pripade do not add suffix je to jeden jazyk, tak po vypnuti generovania dalsich url vsetko funguja akurat ten jazyk kde ostal len cisty nazov domeny, nebol pridany ziadny suffix zmeni na not sef, povodnu url.
Stane sa to pri joomfish language selection a tlacitku smerujucom na frontpage.

v mojom pripade som to musel poriesit tak ze som vypol modul joomfish language selection a spravil som natvrdo dve zastavky jednu a druha jedna nevyhoda je ze pri prepinani jazyka to hadze vzdy na uvodnu stranku. co sa tyka tlacitka smerujuceho na front page, tak to som poriesil tak ze mam dve menu identicke akurat sa lisia v tom tlacitku, kde zase natvrdo smerujem na nazvy domen. pri kazdom jazyku natiahne prislusne menu.

je mozne riesit nejak tuto vec co sa tyka artia?
robi to pri vsetkych verziach 1.0.x a joomfish 1.7 , 1.8.2

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