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Opinion required Artio JoomSEF and their service
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

Please note that due to our capacity limitations, we do not monitor these forums regularly.
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TOPIC: Opinion required Artio JoomSEF and their service

Opinion required Artio JoomSEF and their service 16 years, 3 months ago #5214

Hi All to all of the signed up members of this site and those just reading.

You might be like me and having hand a problem headed here for support also like me you could have paid for this extension too Joomla.
You could be a free user of the compenent but paid for extensions/plugins to JoomSEF.
Your you migh just be a free user.

Whatever your level of financial contribution we all get lost at sometime and need a helping hand but I am sure like the majority of people and like me unfortunately this is a little lacking in the case of JoomSEF.

I would like to hear all of your opinions on the service and support of this site both bad and hopefully good.

My experience of JoomSEF was a good one to begin with apart from one sticking point and when you look deeper a lot people seem to be having unanswered problems.

I started of loving it. It did what I want and was nice and easy until I spotted a mistake in my 404 page from my server stats.

Yet no answer apart from one person who suggested moving to a different product.

If this was my company and someone on my site suggested to one of my customers to move to a different company I would as would most logical companies defend and support their product.
Yet on every occurrence of the comment "why not try sh404SEF" these post go on deaf ears.

As a good example on the main forum board the last four boards of posts have been read

81013 times

and they have been replied too on just

129 occasions

this is a conversion or reply rate of just 0.15%

(stats at time of writing 04:59 GMT)

Now I know a certain amount and most of the joomla community is just that a community and we work together to better all of our experience however all of these programs are FREE.

When you offer a paid service then you must understand this must be backed up by a level of customer service for all levels of user.

But my questions are just that:
Why is there no after sales customer service?
Why are so many posts going unanswered (please do blame on community you are offering a paid service and yes you are not answering my emails and I have paid) You also include your advert in the free version which does I think allow a certain "good will" customer service to keep these free version users with you and maybe turn them in too paying customers. Think Big
And the big one which I think you need to ask your team, why do you allow posts on your forum directing users to other competitors go unanswered or defended. Unless you also have a "finger in the pie" of your opposition.

Anyway to the community please let us all know what you think and maybe we can all work together to help to improve and support this extension to Joomla.

Best Regards all and thank you for reading this and thank you to the team for creating the program to this point.

Re:Opinion required Artio JoomSEF and their service 16 years, 3 months ago #5238

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

to be honest, I first considering deleting your reply, but as you invested quite a lot of effort to writing it I decided to react instead. Hope you will appreciate that.

1. I think you are totally wrong about the number of replies; I have no idea why you got the number 129 out of 81013?

2. Why is there no after sales customer service?
Who said there is not? We try to support our customer as we can. However, we have limited capacities and the price for JoomSEF is not as hign to be able to provide a full support as for some other products we have. Also the number of users is huge, so we are simply unable to answer every single question, so sorry.

If you have a real trouble and you need to have it solved fast (mostly in case of commercial projects), you can always get a paid support.

We are trying to read and react in this forums as much as we can and also we try to gather comments, bugs and requests from users to include those to next versions. If there is a question we know answer to, we answer. But we have no capacitties to study individual errors on someones site (mostly caused by his/her wrong setup). Moreover that is not our task and we leave this to community.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
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