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Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance?
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TOPIC: Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance?

Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance? 18 years, 3 months ago #936

  • psychotronic
Great contribution to community :)
I have one question, if I running joomsef with an active joomlaboard forum, will this affect to joomla performance. I see there's a large data collected by joomsef for joomlaboard url information


Re:Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance? 18 years, 3 months ago #950

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

yes, in a long term, if the autogenerated URLs are not purged from time to time, the number of links (especialy if your forums are often visited) may grow very high and may become a performance issue. How much depends only on your HW and SW configuration.

We try to optimize the components as much as possible, but there is always decision between usablity/performance. In this case, most of the links need to be written to DB and of course that with increasing number of links, the DB load will be increasing. In case of the forums, the easiest solution may be to purge the generated URLs reguralily to get rid of very old, not anymore visited links.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance? 16 years, 7 months ago #4548

I'm going to have the same performance issue. The site will contain a lot of pages and will be very popular. So looks like purging is not a valid solution to increase performance.

I ready to lost some usability to get more performane. Which way should I choose to get it?

Odp.:Re:Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance? 16 years, 7 months ago #4564

  • Dufi
  • Posts: 3
Hi Guys. First of all...thx for nice component. I just need to find out how to work fine with it. So my question is: What means "purged time to time". I am running joomla webpage with forum, gallery, chat, blog,... How many times I should purge links?
I also got problem with some urls. If somebody click url from outside of webpage (for example from google), it is opening 404 error. If I am puting it into address tab, I am getting same result. Finally, I am going to find that article (forum post, or other) and there I must to click on it. In that time it works. Is there any help for it?
Thx in advance.


Odp.:Re:Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance? 16 years, 7 months ago #4566

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The previous posts are over a year and a half old, there's been some progress with performance since that time. There are for example options to remove some variables from URL and append them as nonSEF. As michal wrote, the performance depends mostly on your HW and SW configuration.

Dufi: What version of Joomla and JoomSEF do you use?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Odp.:Re:Joomsef + Joomlaboard = Joomla Performance? 16 years, 7 months ago #4569

  • Dufi
  • Posts: 3
As we discussed by email already: now I am using 1.0.15 joomla and 2.2.8. I will see how this will work. I installed fireboard extension already, so let me check this performance. Will keep you posted about any news.
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