I modified a little gacode.php, it's very simple.
Modify this :
$q = 'SELECT order_id, affiliate_id, order_total, order_tax, order_shipping, city, state, country'
. ' FROM #__{vm}_orders LEFT JOIN #__{vm}_order_user_info USING (order_id)'
. ' LEFT JOIN #__{vm}_affiliate_sale USING (order_id)'
. ' WHERE order_id = ' . $db->getEscaped($GLOBALS['vars']['order_id']);
in this :
$q = 'SELECT order_id, order_total, order_tax, order_shipping, city, state, country'
. ' FROM #__{vm}_orders LEFT JOIN #__{vm}_order_user_info USING (order_id)'
. ' WHERE order_id = ' . $db->getEscaped($GLOBALS['vars']['order_id']);
and modify this :
$code = sprintf('pageTracker._addTrans("%d", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%s", "%s");',
$db->f('order_id'), $db->f('affiliate_id'), $db->f('order_total'), $db->f('order_tax'),
$db->f('order_shipping'), $db->f('city'), $db->f('state'), $db->f('country'));
in this :
$code = sprintf('pageTracker._addTrans("%d", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%s", "%s");',
$db->f('order_id'), '', $db->f('order_total'), $db->f('order_tax'),
$db->f('order_shipping'), $db->f('city'), $db->f('state'), $db->f('country'));
The affiliate field will be empty.
Hope it helps !