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Profile for serval2412

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Sorry i don't understand what you want or what's the pb with plg_gacode-1.0.2.
e-commerce tracking ...
Did you mean "an update" from Artio or is there a pb with unofficial version 1.0.2 and you'd like an update of it ?
e-commerce tracking ...
ok, me i use nothing, i'm not webmaster. But the friend I help sometimes uses xmap.
e-commerce tracking ...
I try to reproduce the bug without success.

I've got Joomla 1.5.14, VM 1.1.3. I've installed the last version of xmap : the component first, then the plugin.
I tried with the Artio 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 with and without legacy mode, i never have an xml error.

Can you help me to reproduce the bug ? I don't have xml error or something.

(sorry for the questions, i don't use xmap)
e-commerce tracking ...
I've got a friend who has the component version of xmap (1.2.2) and Artio Google Analytics without pb.

Have you all got the pb with the component, the plugin version or both of them ?
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I've made some cleaning of the code, add some comments to explain the code, and i changed the trigger to put the Google Analytics scripts just before the end body.
I tested, it works for me.

If someone wants to try this new version, here's the link :

I let the link of the previous version if you want to reinstall it, in case of something wrong with the new one.
e-commerce tracking ...
Ii put a new version of the plugin with affiliation removed on my website :

Tell me if you have pbs with it.

Hope it helps !
e-commerce tracking ...
an url for what ?
The changes of the file gacode.php are described
e-commerce tracking ...

I modified a little gacode.php, it's very simple.

Modify this :
$q = 'SELECT order_id, affiliate_id, order_total, order_tax, order_shipping, city, state, country'
. ' FROM #__{vm}_orders LEFT JOIN #__{vm}_order_user_info USING (order_id)'
. ' LEFT JOIN #__{vm}_affiliate_sale USING (order_id)'
. ' WHERE order_id = ' . $db->getEscaped($GLOBALS['vars']['order_id']);
in this :
$q = 'SELECT order_id, order_total, order_tax, order_shipping, city, state, country'
. ' FROM #__{vm}_orders LEFT JOIN #__{vm}_order_user_info USING (order_id)'
. ' WHERE order_id = ' . $db->getEscaped($GLOBALS['vars']['order_id']);

and modify this :
$code = sprintf('pageTracker._addTrans("%d", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%s", "%s");',
$db->f('order_id'), $db->f('affiliate_id'), $db->f('order_total'), $db->f('order_tax'),
$db->f('order_shipping'), $db->f('city'), $db->f('state'), $db->f('country'));
in this :
$code = sprintf('pageTracker._addTrans("%d", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%f", "%s", "%s", "%s");',
$db->f('order_id'), '', $db->f('order_total'), $db->f('order_tax'),
$db->f('order_shipping'), $db->f('city'), $db->f('state'), $db->f('country'));

The affiliate field will be empty.
Hope it helps !
e-commerce tracking ...
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