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Possible bug report on .html codes in labels
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Flash chart component for Joomla CMS.

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TOPIC: Possible bug report on .html codes in labels

Possible bug report on .html codes in labels 12 years ago #36538

I often use bar charts and in order to maximize the plot area on a page, I'm sometimes required to use labels like this:

Perf. Index

for readability reasons. That works quite nicely, see

However, when you change anything in the chart, the 
 code is magically removed every time. This requires editing all the labels where you have entered .html code each and every time. This is not limited to 
 only, but to all special characters entered with .html codes.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?
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Re: Possible bug report on .html codes in labels 12 years ago #36543

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

There was probably nobody think about html entities. Everything is saved in database, but at the moment you are displaying saved data, browser will change all html entities to single characters... So next time it is not saved.

I have simple hack for you to solve this problem. Find this file:
{project_root}/administrator/components/com_artiofusioncharts/helpers/helper.php - around line 780 is this code:
$row = str_replace(ARTIOFusionChartsHelper::getValueMask($match[1]), 'value="' . $match[2] . '"', $row);

Change it to:
$row = str_replace(ARTIOFusionChartsHelper::getValueMask($match[1]), 'value="' . str_replace('&', '&', $match[2]) . '"', $row);

I will let it check by development and we will also prepare repair for next version.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Possible bug report on .html codes in labels 12 years ago #36549

Thanks again for the very speedy reply and the 'hack', which works perfectly. Thanks so much.

One last request on this specific topic: Would it be possible to have the option to align these labels left, right or centered? They currently are left aligned, but I think it would be nice to have that option.
Last Edit: 12 years ago by Harm Millaard.
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Re: Possible bug report on .html codes in labels 12 years ago #36552

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
I am not sure, it is possible, but I will add this question to task with html entities.

But there is not so nice possibility to do that. You have to use font like Courier for labels and then use   as space. So you can manually prepare content that it will look like aligned to right.
ARTIO Support Team
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