This is not possible in administration settings and I know only about colors:
you can find colors in administrator/components/com_artiofusioncharts/helpers/helper.php - around line 909
There should be this row:
$colors = array('AFD8F8' , 'F6BD0F' , '8BBA00' , 'FF8E46' , '008E8E' , 'D64646' , '8E468E' , '588526' , 'B3AA00' , '008ED6' , '9D080D' , 'A186BE' , 'CC6600' , 'FDC689' , 'ABA000' , 'F26D7D' , 'FFF200' , '0054A6' , 'F7941C' , 'CC3300' , '006600' , '663300' , '6DCFF6');
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At least, I add your ideas to our project management, so it will be probably included in future releases.