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Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme

Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme 11 years, 9 months ago #39275

Hi together,

old thread number 39262. I made u a new thread, because I think it's a new theme.

thks vm for your help.

I did all the things you told me (see bottom)

and now after installation of book it 2 I get the following error:
JInstaller: :Install: Die Joomla!-XML-Installationsdatei konnte nicht gefunden werden.
JInstaller: :Install: Die XML-Installationsdatei konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Ein anderer Menüeintrag mit dem gleichen übergeordneten Eintrag hat diesen Alias
Fehler bei der Erstellung des Adminmenüs

Die Komponenten-Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

and in extensions manager is only artio booking administrator komponent and no other
and in components is no booking


Lisa Hinterholzer

You get these errors when you are trying to install the booking component, right?
If you are not able to uninstall it with Joomla system then it will be probably not installed correctly. Question is, why it was not installed correctly?

How to unistall component manually (for Joomla 2.5.11):
Delete these folders/files:
1. administrator/components/com_booking
2. administrator/language//.com_booking.ini
3. administrator/language//.com_booking.common.ini
4. administrator/language//
5. administrator/language//.com_booking.sys.ini
6. components/com_booking
7. modules/mod_booking_customer_info
8. modules/mod_booking_search
9. plugins/search/booking
10. plugins/user/booking
11. plugins/cciDEALPlatformCustomPayment
12. language//.com_booking.ini
13. language//.mod_booking_customer_info.ini
14. language//.mod_booking_search.ini

We do not remove database tables for Booking, because we want to save older data.
But there are data about installed component which we have to remove:
1. DB Table #__extensions, you can find rows by name:
ARTIO Booking Customer Info - (type=module) ARTIO Booking Search - (type=module) cciDEAL Platfotm Payment Plugin for ARTIO Booking - (type=plugin) Search - Booking - (type=plugin) User_ARTIO_Booking - (type=plugin) booking - (type=component)

These rows should be at the end of the table if the component was last thing you installed in Joomla

2. DB Table #__menu, you can find rows by combination of menutype and path All rows should have menutype 'main' and path starts with 'artio-booking'.
But if you have not Booking in administration menu, it is possible that there will be no rows for Booking component.

This should be all for manual uninstallation.

Then check your rights in all those paths: administrator/components, administrator/language
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Re: Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme 11 years, 9 months ago #39299

Hello together,

after installing and deleting/uninstalling book it 2 a serveral times, include db table removing there is no Book it 2 in admin components menu.
There is in extensionsmanager artio booking administrator part but nothing elso of artio.
During my delete actions on server of the manual deinstallation i found out, that after installation there are booking inis in 8 languages, but not in de.

What can i do to get this book it 2 running?

Lisa Hinterholzer
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Re: Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme 11 years, 9 months ago #39302

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Hello Lisa,

I consulted it with others and we have also this problem in FAQ. You can check it here: Error When Installing a Joomla Component

It is colleague tip that you have small upload_max_filesize. Can you please check it?
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme 11 years, 9 months ago #39387

Hello Maju,

I'll become desperate.
Tried a hundres times installing and there is no menue of book it in Components.
In Extensions Manager is only Artio Booking Admin part (before updating to 2.0 there where a 5 extionsions of booking more in the ext-manager). And when i try to uninstall artio booking artio adminpart that doesnt work too.
In Plug ins or Modules is nothing of booking.
But with file zilla i can see the files on server.
There are no warnings in JOomla (upload_max_filesize“20M„post_max_size“19M-Variable)
and there is only one superadmin.
And when i try to uninstall artio booking adminpart that doesnt work too.
So i uninstalled everything manually including the db tables like you wrote it.

Do you have a last tipp for me?
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Re: Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme 11 years, 9 months ago #39407

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Hello Lisa,

Can you check this page? Site -> System Information -> Directory Permissions
Are those folders writable? If not, make all folders writable and try installation again. Once your installation will be successfull, you can set your rights back.

Uninstallation doesn't work, because there were probably not installed all necessary files. If you check administrator/components/com_booking - does this path exist? Are there all files from installation package? (admin folder + booking.xml in root folder)
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Warning Message after Upgrade to book it 2.0 forme 11 years, 9 months ago #39448

Hello Maju,

Everything, including configuration.php was writeable during installation.
The path administrator/components/com-booking exists.
Admin folders and files incl. booking.xml were in root folder.
But there are no folders in modules and plugins (like they were in booking 1.6).

But there comes no Booking in Components.

Maybe there is another tipp for me???

Lisa Hinterholzer
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