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Rate per day per week and per month
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Rate per day per week and per month

Rate per day per week and per month 12 years ago #36211


I create a site for a apartment rental and we have different rates for day, weeks and months. I would like some help to create the appropriate configuration on the reservation and rate part.

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Re: Rate per day per week and per month 12 years ago #36217

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

In object, when you are setting prices, there is column Time discounts. You can set there number of time units and discount or them.

For example:
Basic price is 50 EUR
You can set Unit Counts to:


and Unit Discount to:


It means:

When customer will book apartment for less than 7 days, he will pay basic price 50 EUR per day. If he will book 7 - 29 days, he will pay 45 EUR per day. And if he will book 30 and more days then there will be only 40 EUR per day.

Fields 'Unit Counts' and 'Unit Discount' need same number of rows, where every row mean new settings (discount combination).
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