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Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking

Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking 12 years ago #36634

Hi, finally I find what's my problem with the program. While I was testing things, I've discovered that the main problem is when put the format to see de bookin in weeks, not in daily.

In this pictures, you can see, All is correct.


But, when I put the calendary in weeks, this is the problem


On Friday, is not correct the schedule and resevations time.
In the cofiguration item, is it:


Between Monday and Friday, is ok. Always the same schedule. But on Saturday and Sundy, the organization close some hours. Is the same with others objects-items

You can say me a solution for this.
Last Edit: 12 years ago by annapon.
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Re: Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking 12 years ago #36745

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

first I am sorry for delay in my answer.

I think, it can be problem of timezones, but I am not sure. What timezone do you have set on server and php?
If you are able to set UTC on both, will that problem persist?
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking 12 years ago #36751

Hi, no problem. Thanks for reply.

I see the server, and the timezone is UTC, but in php, I don't know because it isn't my own hosting, I ask them and wait the answer.

It's possible other things was the problem?
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Re: Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking 12 years ago #36758

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Ok, maybe I see that bug everywhere and it has nothing to do with your problem. Maybe it will be more simple than I thought.

Is there any reservation for Vie 22 Feb? Because that red (disabled) box can mean that another user booked that time, so it is disabled for anybody else.

You have 2 printscreens with week and day calendar. But week has 22 Vie and day calendar show 15 Vie. Difference can be only that nobody booked no time for Vie 15.

Also that errordate printscreen... Try to disable error reporting in Joomla Global Configuration. Notice has no effect on booking functionality.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking 12 years ago #36762

Hello, i agree with you, i'm sure the problem is some simple.

Nobody booked because I stop the access to application for the problems. But if you see it's like no have timeline in this hours but really this schedule it's for Saturday an Sunday no Friday...¿¿??

Well, I disabled error reporting in Joomla, but it's the same problem.

If you see timetable, it is not booked else disabled, no? And I don't understand why? and why does it work correctly in Daily and not in weekly?
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Re: Problem with Timetable and Format to see booking 12 years ago #37023

Hi, please... I need some solution because I update my licence with you. But now I can't use application because it doesn't work.

I've done a user for you if you want login in the system.
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