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Mail to customer after reserv. not possible?
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Mail to customer after reserv. not possible?

Mail to customer after reserv. not possible? 11 years, 10 months ago #38756

Hi I want to send an email to the customer after he has made a reservation.
The drop-down list shows only the option "none".

Really all of the other drop-down list are showing only "none":

Notice: Confirm Reservation (tab General) is set to Yes.
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Re: Mail to customer after reserv. not possible? 11 years, 10 months ago #38807

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
You have to setup e-mail templates. Go to CPanel/Configuration/Email Templates.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Mail to customer after reserv. not possible? 11 years, 10 months ago #38822

under Control Panel/Configuration I cannot find where to set an email template. I don't find the option Email Templates at all??
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Re: Mail to customer after reserv. not possible? 11 years, 10 months ago #38826

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

It is on: page Control Panel -> tab Configuration -> icon Email Templates.

On the next page you have to create new email templates.
Then you can select these emails in Configuration -> Mailing.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Mail to customer after reserv. not possible? 11 years, 10 months ago #38834

Thank you! now I've found it.
I have still a question:
How should I format the mail?
If I format it like in the screenshot, I get the following text in mail:
Hallo {NAME}
Hiermit die Bestätigung deiner Reservation:
Reservationsdatum: {DATE}

What do I make wrong?
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Re: Mail to customer after reserv. not possible? 11 years, 10 months ago #38845

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

There are three types of emails and not every email can use all marks. First, what type of email do you want to use in this example?

I can not find any screenshot you are talking about. Because you have included object details it looks like Reservation/Change Status email.

1. Mark {Name} is not included in both of them, so it will be not translated. {NAME} is included only in registration email.

2. Rest of tags {OBJECT TITLE}, {DATE}, {TIMEFRAME} have to be inside tags {OBJECTS} and {/OBJECTS}. This is because order can contain more objects, so this pair of tags will select part of the email as part, where will be shown all objects.

Hiermit die Bestätigung deiner Reservation:
Reservationsdatum: {DATE}

Example result:
Hallo mengana
Hiermit die Bestätigung deiner Reservation:
Item: Object 1
Reservationsdatum: 2013-04-30
Item: Object 2
Reservationsdatum: 2013-05-01
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years, 10 months ago by maju.
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