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joomla artio
(1 viewing) (1) Guest
Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: joomla artio

joomla artio 12 years ago #36651

In frontend joomla web site module, show booking list and filter by date query is wrong

For example

SELECT `reservation`.*, `editorUser`.`name` as `editor`, `customer`.`checked_out` AS `customerCheckedOut`,SUM(`items`.`fullPriceSupplements`) AS `reservationFullPrice`, SUM(`items`.`fullDeposit`) AS `reservationFullDeposit`, SUM(`items`.`capacity`) AS `fullCapacity`
FROM `nsc18_booking_reservation` AS `reservation`
LEFT JOIN `nsc18_users` AS `editorUser`
ON `editorUser`.`id` = `reservation`.`checked_out`
LEFT JOIN `nsc18_booking_customer` AS `customer`
ON `customer`.`id` = `reservation`.`customer`
LEFT JOIN `nsc18_booking_reservation_items` AS `items`
ON `items`.`reservation_id` = `reservation`.`id`
from` >= '2013-01-16 09:38:00'
AND `to` <= '2013-01-16 09:38:00'
AND `reservation`.`state` IN ('1','0','-1')
AND `paid` IN ('0','1','2')
GROUP BY `reservation`.`id`
from` asc

Should be
from` >= '2013-01-16 00:00:00'
AND `to` <= '2013-01-16 23:59:59
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Re: joomla artio 12 years ago #36726

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

you mean booking search module?
ARTIO Support Team
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