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deposit set to $100 but $0 at payment???
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: deposit set to $100 but $0 at payment???

deposit set to $100 but $0 at payment??? 12 years ago #36712

Hi, have a small issue. have a "birthday party" booking where people pay a $100 deposit when they book, nothing else.

Do i set this up in the deposit or price ?

I have set it up in the deposit function but when it comes to finalize the payment the total is $0 and not 100.
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Re: deposit set to $100 but $0 at payment??? 12 years ago #36717

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

There is combination of value price and deposit. Final price is not value + deposit. This is wrong and maybe it works this way many versions before... I am not sure.
These equations should be correct in actual version :

final_price = value * number_of_items
final_price - deposit = additional_payment

You have set birthday party and it is bookable only for the whole time? E.g. from 16:00 to 22:00. So "customer" can not book any other time? Then you also have to set value to 100. Deposit will mean full price.

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