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Calculation of Rental period
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Calculation of Rental period

Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38444

Hello Mach

There is another problem with total available capacity. I have made a test booking on 15 MAY
1 Scooter 50 CC rental for 1 day Total Capacity 5 booked 1 Remaining capacity 4 this is correct
I have also booked Grand Budapest AM tour 10.00-13.00 for 1 pax Available capacity was 4 ( as already 1 scooter was booked as rental) remaining capcaty should be 3 but it is only 2 that is not correct!

Same day booking at montly calendar still does not work!

Waiting for your suggested solution and also feedback for my previous post
Best regards
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38457

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

If you have hourly reservation, then night booking is not possible. It has no sense in ARTIO booking system.

1. I checked your site and I can not find any problem with reservation dates. If I book GRAND BUDAPEST AM TOUR 10.00-13.00 (180 MIN), then it show me date from: 2013-04-17 10:00 to: 2013-04-17 13:00. Only thing I can recommend you is to use fix. limit in reservation type. Set it to 1 and then customers will be not able to select two reservations at one time. It is because Book it! generally works this way that customer is able to select interval, but it is probably not usable in your example.

2. I will check it.

3. I am not sure what do you mean with this. If I open monthly calendar on your pages, it looks there are all daily reservation types as you have in weekly calendar.

4. This is same thing like 1.

5. Ok, you are right in this problem. Payment methods are available only in paid version of Book it!. Go to Control Panel and there is under tab Configuration icon for Payment Methods. Settings for PayPal should be easy, just click on PayPal icon and on next page click on edit in upper right corner. Then you have to set mehod to Published and your paypal email. Fill also your currency code you use in booking system and you are able to receive in PayPal account. Currency code has 3 characters. For example GBP as Great Britain Pound, USD as US dollar etc. You can find all paypal currencies in this link: paypal currencies. Then you can also set default cancelation time. For example 180 as 3 hours (180 minutes).

Component doesn't allow night booking and day booking at the same time. You can only reserve one of this, because both are used to book the whole days.

Other soultion
One object has one common time for all used reservation types. I don't know how I should explain it, so I will use example.
If you have two reservation types for one object and both of them start in 15:00 and end in 18:00, then if you book first reservation type, it will also reduce the second reservation type, because both are used in same object and time is common for all reservation types there. You can not use it this way. Only solution for you is to create more objects, if you want to have 5 capacity for every reservation type.

ARTIO Book it! should be used this way, if you want to have correct settings for your scooter rental.
Two main objects (125 cc and 55 cc). Both will be not reservable, but will be used as lists of available objects.
Then set object for every reservation type. It will allow you to set capacity for every reservation type, so if somebody will reserve 5 scooter from 10:00 to 13:00, there will be still available BUDAPEST IN HONEY MOOD AM 10.00-14.00 (240 MIN).

Maybe I didn't understand to some of your requirements, so let me know about it.

EDIT: I will not check point 2., because your settings is probably wrong. You can also check our demo sites, where we have some examples. DEMO for Joomla 2.5. You can also check administration settings of them. It can maybe help you to understand how Booking works.
I understand that new customers can have problems to set it. It is because of missing documentation for actual version. But I believe, we will finally set it how you need it.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years, 10 months ago by maju.
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38458

Dear Maju

Probably you diod not get me. I explain you once again in brief

Object 50CC Scoter tours and rental
Capacity = 5 scooters 50CC
We can provide tour or rental only form total capacity 5
If somebody rents 1 scooter for 24 hours only 4 scoooter reamins for tours or rental

If I create separate object for each reservation type ( tour= with hourly or rental with daily) with capacity 5 than cleint will be able to book each reservation type with capacity 5 so if someone bookes 5 scooters for today ( this is the total capacity) another client can still book a tour with capacity 5 wich means an overbooking and completely wrong. I can only manage it with having only one object with many reservation types. To be able to publish all reservation types with same shedule I have set schedules with 1-2-3-4-5 etc minute difference ( thid was only solution in our case) This concept can and should work. However if you see my 2 test bookings made for 15 MAY you will see that 1 capacity is booked with daily rewervation and 1 capacity with hourly reservation. Go to monthly calendar and you will see 3 capcaity available than go to weekly calendar and you will see only 2 available. I do not thing this is due to my wrong settings!!!

In my opnion the PARENT object should have an overall capacty and the CHILDREN in the tree should use this overall capacity otherwise there is no sense for PARENT object capacity. If it was SET like this I could separate reservation type for each tours and rental as they would allways use the PARENT object overall capacity so whatever is booked with 1 capacity that capacity is reduced from the overall available capacity and thiis is how it should be in the correct way.

Regarding payment moduld
I have bookit paid version but I have absolutely no PAYPAL icon among payment methods (only CHECKOUT and SOFORT)

I do not understand your suggestion to use reservation limit and set to 1. There is absolutely no description about is in documetation. As far as I understand you can set how many reservations are allowed in 1 day or 7 day or 30 day. I do not know what is the sense using it in my case.

Remaind you also that in monthly booking calendar same day booking is not possible despite of that this is set to be allowed in the main configuration settings.

I hope I coud give a more clear understanding of my problem and finally you will be able to help me in reality.

Best regards
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38461

Dear Maju

Conflict between weekly and monthly calendar
I have tested again the booking and it seems there is a conflict between the monthly and the weekly calendar.
If I book tours (with hourly res type) and rental (with daily res type) only on weekly calendar the calculation of remaining capacity is correct. If I book the tour on weekly calendar and rental on montly calendar the calculation of remaining capacity is incorrect.
Unfortunately I have to use also mothly calendar as in case of rental to book an object eg. from Saturday to next Wednesday is not possible on weekly calendar.

I have made a test object (TEST Parent) with TEST1 and TEST2 children to try your suggestion making separate object for each tour but is does not work because I will be not able to control overall capacity.
It can only work if the overall capacity is set at PARENT and all CHILDREN use this capacity. Obviously capacity for any reservation also depends on reservations made for any CHILDREN in the tree structure. e.g if overall capacity is 5 and I book 1 capacty for TEST CHILD1 from 10.00-13.00 I can book only book 4 capacity for TEST CHILD2 from 10.00-14.00 but I can book again 5 capacity from 15.00-18.00 for TESTCHILD1 or TEST CHILD2.

I hope I could explain you the concept and you understand now what my problem is.

Best regard
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38521

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Thank you for your explanation and you are right. Separated tours (objects) is not good solution for you.
I see, you have bought version 1. So I will try to prepare your example on our demo site, because there is same version. You will be able to check settings.

When it will be ready, I will let you know.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38525

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Ok, I tried it, but there is too many problems. Some of them are solved in Book it! 2 (an should be solved in Book it!1 too in 1.6.0, which we are preparing, but there is still many other issues.

First, I could not simulate problem with different capacity in weekly calendar and in motnhly calendar. I make 3 reservations: (Start capacity = 5)
1. reservation of hours in weekly calendar with capacity 1 (monthly and weekly calendars capacity reduced to 4)
2. reservation of day in monthly calendar with capacity 2 (monthly and weekly calendars capacity reduced to 2)
3. reservation of day in weekly calendar with capacity 1 (monthly and weekly calendars capacity reduced to 1)
Maybe it is because you have a little different settings we never testing and we never thought about its usability.
You can see my example here: 55 CC Tours, but I can not recommend you this settings.

Parent object is there to make list of objects. It has no other functionality but it is made as object, so you have to fill required input texts like Capacity even if it will be not used. (I will add this not logical process to our project management and we will see what we will be able to do).

Reservation limit - this was reaction on your problem with reservations from one day to another. Customer is able to select in your calendar these dates: 2013-04-18 10:00 - 2013-04-21 13:00, which is probably incorrect for your scooter rental. If customer want to rent a scooter for more days, he should use daily reservation type. For this situation you have to set that limit. Customer will be not able to select start date and end date in limited reservation type. This problem was solved in Book it! 2 and you don't have to use limit there.

Missing PayPal - You have no paypal in reservation form? There should be only text with radio button. Can you send us a printscreen?

Book it! 2 also has feature to show more weeks in weekly calendar. There is also option for customers to select how many weeks they need to see.

All features should be also included in 1.6.0 version, but we are not able to release it soon, because there were many changes and there will be still some repairs. I will also add all bugs I found during this testing to our project management, so those bugs will be probably fixed in version 2.0.2 (in two weeks). Some of bugs you reported are already repaired in Book it! 2.

I consulted your problems also with our assistant and she will send you email with some information.
ARTIO Support Team
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