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Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc

Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc 11 years, 6 months ago #40492

I've installed the new version (2.1) and realised that the background colors looks like different. Please see attachment.
I'm missing the white background on the menu bar on the left.. it looks like strange.
I just wonder why whenever there is an update colors are changed. Normally I modify the style sheet so that they match together. Now i have to begin from the very beginning again!
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Re: Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc 11 years, 6 months ago #40518

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, version 2.1 has new responsive design. We are sorry but we cannot maintain styles compatible.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc 11 years, 6 months ago #40539

ok, I understand. Can you please tell me the name of the file/s to be modified so that I can have the whole background white, for example? I don't want to start modifying files if I'm not sure that they are the correct ones.
Where should I look for them? under "components"? under "modules"? I guess it is a form...
Please help.
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Re: Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc 11 years, 6 months ago #40550

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
I think that the best way is to improve CSS of the page template. If you improve Booking then next update will overwrite your changes.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc 11 years, 6 months ago #40557

Thank you for your advice anyway, but after I had so many problems with this update (and I still have since the tool doesn't work properly) I'm not quite sure if I want to get a future update at all.
I began with version 2.0. I modified the style sheets so that everything matched together and the tool worked really. The only reason why I updated to 2.1 was that I was told that there would be a new functionality included (the possibility of displaying all the reservations like in google calender). I thought that this functionality was included and I updated without asking first if it was really so. Unfortunately the functionality was not at all included and now the tool doesn't work!!!!
PLEASE, tell me which booking css or other file should I modify so that everything has a white background. The problem is in the booking page after selecting an item. Please help!
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Re: Booking V2.1 new background colours, etc 11 years, 6 months ago #40577

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Background color for tables was removed because of problems on dark designs, where we used white background color and some customers templates used white font color and this is real problem as we want to use as many stylesheets as we can use from customer's template.

Problem in your design is different. It looks like there are no special stylesheets for tables. If you need white background, you can simly modify yoir css files in templates/{template_name}/css/{stylesheetfile.css}.
You need to add there something like:
table { background-color:#ffffff; }

It will apply white background color for every table.

If you need apply this changes only to booking calendar and properties, you can try this css style:
#bookSetting table { background-color:#ffffff; } /* for tables in bookable item detail */
.subjectList table { background-color:#ffffff; } /* for tables in list */

We are sorry, that you have troubles with new version. New features generally bring new bugs to the system even if we always try to find them and solve them. But I can recommend you to update your booking to versions 2.1.1, 2.1.2 etc. as those versions contains only bug fixes. New features should be included in version 2.2.0., 2.3.0 etc.
ARTIO Support Team
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