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unable to make a reservation when logged!!!
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Support forum for users using free edition of Book it!. These forums are for mutual help among users.

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TOPIC: unable to make a reservation when logged!!!

Re: unable to make a reservation when logged!!! 11 years, 11 months ago #38226

Hello Maju

I tried to desactivate this plugin but it affects my template display!!!
Do you need my website address for test?
I can send it to you by MP...

Re: unable to make a reservation when logged!!! 11 years, 11 months ago #38266

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Only I can check if you have correct settings in administrator of booking. For this send admin login to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript . You should also contact support team of jQuery Easy plugin.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years, 11 months ago by maju.

Re: unable to make a reservation when logged!!! 11 years, 11 months ago #38272

Hello Maju

I've found the trouble!!!! I had to update the jQueryeasy plugin to 1.4.2 version and it works great now!

This plugin (1.4.2 version) is meant to help clean and resolve front and back end issues when using instances of jQuery alongside the Mootools libraries.

- jQuery and jQuery UI libraries can be hosted in Joomla! or called from the Google API libraries in HTTP or HTTPS (set explicit versions for proper caching),
- no coding is necessary in front or back end (no need to add code into template or mess with Joomla! core),
- places jQuery calls AFTER MooTools calls for perfect compatibility,
- adds the noConflict code,
- sets up the 'jQuery' variable to 'true' at the application level,
- strips out all other jQuery, jQuery UI library calls, including the noConflict calls added by other modules or plugins,
- choose jQuery UI basic styling or custom theme.
- NEW: possible expert tweaks
- NEW: the plugin can be enabled or disabled in specific portions of your site
- NEW since v1.2.0: MooTools libraries can be tentatively disabled in the front end
- NEW since v1.3.0: reporting and more options to help in solving more advanced cases
- NEW: Joomla! 3.0 specific version release

I can also manage the pictures...
Thx for you help
I can go forward in my evaluation
Keep you informed...
See you

Re: unable to make a reservation when logged!!! 11 years, 11 months ago #38288

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Ok, thanks for this information.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: unable to make a reservation when logged!!! 11 years, 11 months ago #38291

Hi Maju

still in trouble with image gallery I can't select for display

I also can't diplay a product image nor in the product list nor in the detail product page...
It only appears as "File Attachements"

In the admin product page, there is no field to select the main objet picture as seen in previous version

Could you explain to me how display this picture?

Re: unable to make a reservation when logged!!! 11 years, 10 months ago #38455

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

I am sorry for late response. Do you have still problems with image gallery?
We released stable version last week, so you can try to update your booking system. I recommend you to uninstall actual version and install new. It should also modify your database tables and you should not lost any data there.
ARTIO Support Team
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