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I don't find the way...
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TOPIC: I don't find the way...

I don't find the way... 11 years, 9 months ago #39536


Im having trouble while trying to do something.

Step by step i show you what i do, and which problems i had.

First of all, i go to the ítem list at my page menú.

After that, i click on the ítem I already created.

Now, i show you the problems im having.

Here i want to put SELECTABLE properties, i mean, i want the customer to choose the props of his reservation. He chooses the "court" in this case "sant Jordi", and after, on ítem detail, he selects the time period he wants to reserve the court.

Another problem i've found, is below, the day autoselects to current day, thats ok, but i see FROM-TO and i cant put anything there, like time periods, or checkboxes, something to specify the hour of the reservation.

Finally when I tryed to click on Book it!, displays this message error.

Where do I supose to configure that?...


Don't give me links to FAQ, documentation, or tutorials (video) please, i've already checkd it, and I cant make it...

If someone could tell me step by step how to do this, i'd be very thankful.

Something like.

Atrio > configuration > bla bla bla
Then go here
Atrio > ítem > new > bla bla

Thanks in advance.

Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 9 months ago #39537

  • mach
  • Posts: 112
properties are only data which identify and specify object.
If you want that client select some additions, you must use Supplements. This is another tab in object detail in back-end.

In joomla administation:
go to the Components->ARTIO Booking->bookable-items and select object which you want edit.
in tab Reservation Settings Add Reservation Type (Type = Hourly)
in tab Prices Add price, choose Date Range from/to and Time Range from/to.
in tab Supplements add new supplement.

Save and check front-end. There should be times in calendar, which you can reserve. Select time period you want and Book it.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by mach.

Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 9 months ago #39559

Hi mach,

Thanks for your response.

I did what you said, first I created a reservation type, I filled the required fields, name, type, and time unit [min] with "1".

After I went into prices.

First of all, I put the monetary value, tan i jump to reservation type and select the one I created, then the first bad thing i found;

I "must" select a date range, i mean, i want the customer to SELECT the day he wants to do a reservation, then a time range. I dont want to create ALL the time ranges (9:00 to 10:00, 10:00 to 11:00) of every day of the month... too much. There's an easyer way to do it?...

I want to publish a COURT; that court will have like a CALENDAR to select the day, when you select the day you should go inside that day and be able to select the HOUR/HOURS you want to do the reservation... Is it possible?.

By the way, when i save the changes, I don't see anything new changing on the frontend...

If is not so hard, and you could put the steps you'd follow (w/o specifying) to do what I explained above, i'd be very thankfull.

I do really need to make this extension work (court reservation), and get the pro version to add more courts... but if its not possible to correctly configure even 1 to do what i want to do, then i cant keep going with this extension.

Thanks in advance.

Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 9 months ago #39585


Can someone help me with this please?
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by ivanprats.

Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 9 months ago #39588

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

You don't need to create every hour manually. It will be created by system if you set it correctly. Just Set Hourly reservation type with time unit 60 minutes.
Then if you set Date Range and Time Range in prices, it will create automatically all hours.

For example:
Time Range: 10:00 - 12:30
will create these times:
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
The last 30 minutes have not enough space for time unit (60 minutes)
This will be set for all days in Date Range.

If you need another Time Range for weekends, you just create two prices settings.

If you have nothing on frontend just check that you selected in prices settings all necessary fields.
1. Time Range
2. Date Range
3. Selected days in week

And there should be type of calendar for your use. Just add to Menu link to Quick Book Page. It will show select box (if category contains more objects), then calendar to select days and then time units to select specific time.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 9 months ago #39593

Emm, thanks for your help, but its not working.

I selected "Bookable item list" and the menu doesn't shows anything, i show you my configuration, so maybe you can understand.

I did all you told me in your topics, I mean Im not idiot, i understand what you said, i selected and configured what you said, and is still not working, i show you what i see.

- Day layout

*From to not showing
*Not selectable day nor hour

- Month layout

*Viewable days, not hours
*Not selectable (i cant click on it)

- Book It! Button

*Still shows that red error text.

If you need me to do anything or upload any part of the config windows just ask for it, I upload it so you can maybe wonder why is this happening.

Best regards.
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