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Profile for nilecreations

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I tried to purge all the urls and also clean cache but the probelm still exists
no redirection to pa ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
first my site was for products show only and sef was working well then I returned it to online shopping but i found that the sef is not working with the check out steps.

I'm upgrading to the latest version of sef 3.4.3
no redirection to pa ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I'm using joomsef version: 3.4.2 and virtuemart version : 1.1.3, when i enabled the joomsef the checkout precess not working at the third step "payment method" it redirected me to the first one "shipping address"
when i'm in the second step "shipping method" and click next i returned back to the first step "shipping address"
I'm using ups shipping method if this can help.

I've checked the Set server QUERY_STRING? and it is set to yes.

Can i fix that or at least can i disable the sef in the check out precess pages only?

no redirection to pa ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you jan for your answer.

I upgraded the joomsef to the latest version 3.3.6 also the virtuemart extension to 2.0.6 and i enabled the jfrouter plugin BUT I got 404 pages in spite of they were working and the virtuemart links didn't work any more

Please help me what to do next?
meta keywords not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
any one can help me please.

It's urgent

sorry for dump.
meta keywords not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I have joomla 1.5 with joomfish 2.0.2 and joomsef 3.2.11, my site is working perfectly with two languages english the default one and arabic until I translated the site meta keywords and meta description using the joomfish ->languages->language config and the translation is ok, but when I look at the keywords in arabic pages I see the english keywords.

I tried to disable the joomsef and enable the jfrouter plug-in , then I can see the translated keywords with arabic pages.

Please help me how can I solve this odd problem.

Thanks alot.
meta keywords not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you Jan for your help, my problem is solved now.
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I deleted all the urls from the joomsef , the joomsef cache, the joomla cache, also my browser cache
and i still get the page title like [product name - site name ] instead of [product name- subcategory name - category name- menu name - site name]
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you Jan for your great help,

I upgraded to the vm extension to 2.0.1, also i found new component upgrade to 3.2.7 i did it

I deleted all the sef urls and browsed my site, But the problem still exist:
the page title is [product name - site name ] instead of [product name- subcategory name - category name- menu name - site name]

Did i miss something??
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I upgraded to joomsef 3.2.6 But from where i can upgrade the VirtueMart SEO extension to 2.0.1.

thank you for your help
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Is there a free version for JoomSEF 3.2.6 ??

thank you.
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
OK, Great.

Thank you.
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Do you mean that the feature of the page title i'm asking about will be in the next release??

So when the next release will be available ?

page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I posted this thread before

sorry i posted it on the wrong forum. :)

Now The problem of creating old url is solved, but i still have the second problem that is i want to display
[ product name - subcategory name - category name - menu name - site name ] in the page title.

it is now displayed as [ product name - site name ]

Is there any way to do that??

Thank you.
page title problem w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Can any one help me?

Is my writing not understood?
full page title with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I'm using:
- joomla!1.5.8
- virtue mart ( as a product catalog)
- joomsef component
- joomsef extensions for virtue mart ( installed today)

I have two problems on my site now:

1- after i installed the joomsef extensions for virtuemart not all my links are corrected i'm still having some of them with the old one
for example: ( this is the old link before installing the extension)
and the new one for another link is name

I want all the links to be like this new one, How can i solve it?

note: I opened the joomsef configuration and purge automatically created URLs when saving

2- I want to see the full page title, i know that the page title is [product name] - [site name] by default.
but i want it to be [product name]-[sub category]-[category]-[site name]

How can i do that?

Thank you in advance.
full page title with ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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