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Profile for dgobin

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 8
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I fixed problem. It seams that problem was in database tables. When I made akeeba backup a than restore, after restore joomSEF 3.9.5 was OK without problem.
JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
I tried to restore on same server (same PHP) my 3 days old backup of joomla, where I have joomSEF 3.9.4 and everything works fine. I can also see configuration.php file which is not in 3.9.5
Is it possible to downgrade easily somehow from 3.9.5 to 3.9.4?

JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
when switch to display errors I can see errors.. see screenshot in attachment
JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
But you said that in JoomSEF 3 configuration is located in jos_components table in the params column. The main JoomSEF record has parent=0 and option=com_sef values. There is no configuration.php. How to restore configuration in joomSEF 3?

Better solution for me is to fix bug in upgraded joomSEF that does not show bottom part of URLs Manager page. Do you have any idea how to fix it? I send screenshot so you can see it. Please help.

JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
you can see screenshot in attachment. What about URLS when install older version? Please help.

JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
OK, so what do you suggest, how to downgrade full version of joomSEF 3.9.5 to joomSEF 3.8.2 ? After upgrade to 3.9.5 I cannot see all SEF URLS because listing is not working. When I set view to 20, 50 or 100 I can see just 20,50 or 100 but I cannot go to next page, there are no buttons 2,3,4.... next... and when I set view to "all" I cannot see any URL. Same problem is when viewing sitemap URLS in component. Can it be PHP problem? I have PHP 5.3.10. joomSEF 3.8.2 was working fine on same PHP version. Any suggestion how to fix it or how to do downgrade but save all settings and URLS.

Thank you for help.

JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
There is no /administrator/components/com_sef/configuration.php I cannot find it.
JoomSEF Downgrading
Category: JoomSEF 3
je to jednoduché:

1. URL a SECUREURL musi být prázné
define( 'URL', '' );
define( 'SECUREURL', '' );

2. v nastavení virtuemart / www stránky odškrtnout Povolit dynamické vytváření náhledů? a to vyřeší problém s nezobrazováním obrázků.

jediná nepříjemná věc je že se na backpage nesmyslně přidává do odkazu k administrator ještě jedou administrátor, ale jen ve virtuemart a ztěžuje to administraci, protože se musí jeden administrator z odkazu neustále mazat, nebo se dočasně podobu administrace virtue mart vyplní URL a po administraci se zase smaže.

Takto vše funguje až na výše uvedenou nepříjemnost
Problem s více domén ...
Category: General
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