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Profile for bober

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 10:35
  • Posts: 2
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I have the same problem!I have open the topic in the forum yesterday but no answer by support. I try to add "www" prefix in virtuemart but don't work. My site url è: mysite.ext. It I put www.mysite.ext the site works but "add to cart" doesn't work. Why?How have you do?

Thank you.
add to cart broken
Category: Extensions
Hello everyone! I have the extension Artio JoomSEF for Virtuemart and installed Artio JoomSEF component free. But when I add the product in the cart don't work. If I disable Artio Joomsef the "add cart" work! I have read the similar post but where you add prefix "www", but don't work.

What is the difference between www.mysite.ext and mysite.ext?My site is seen with these two addresses but for virtuemart there is a display problem. Change all!

It can be a problem of .htaccess settings?I use .htaccess my host and I don't use .htaccess of Artio Joomsef!

Thank you for your help.
add to cart Virtuema ...
Category: Extensions
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