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Profile for biffwaple

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 19:31
  • Posts: 15
  • Profile Views: 5291
  • Location: Unknown
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jitr wrote:
Hello, if you saved data with wrong time offset you should everything re-save. Joomla saves everything in GMT0 but if there was wrong setting of time zone then data are not in GMT0 but with offset from GMT0.

I just tried removing the available days from my object, saved, refreshed the page to verify that no days showed up, then added Mon and Fri to the object for available days and they again showed up as Sun and Thur.

My time zone in joomla config is set to New York.

As I said before, if I changed my time zone to universal, the times were off but the days were correct.

If I'm doing something wrong still, please give me exact instructions as to the steps I need to take.
Calendars Off by One ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Thanks again, Rachi, for all your help. I've tried everything you've suggested but nothing has worked. I really wish someone from Artio would chime in. I've even sent emails with my login but no reply.
Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
This has been driving me crazy. I love the program so far but if I can't get this feature to work, I can't use it, because people will be booking the wrong days.
Calendars Off by One ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
jitr wrote:
Hello, I understand your order. We have similar issue in TODO list. It will be available in some next version.

What should I do in the meantime? Would I maybe be able to create a "user" called "Out Of Office" and simply have that user book all available times? Can I do that from the back end manually?
Closed days / holida ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
rachi_1977 wrote:
Go back into the /layouts/template.php file and see if there is a call similar to the one above that will tell you what file to update or go back to the developer of the template and ask them what .php file controls the home page layout

The developer told me to edit the file in themename/layouts/template.php. I'm pasting the entire code here because other than the <head> tag I'm not sure what else there'd be:


*NOTE, I just noticed there is an open "<?php" but I don't see a close one, would that matter?

* @package yoo_master
* @author YOOtheme
* @copyright Copyright (C) YOOtheme GmbH
* @license GNU/GPL

// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// include config

// get warp
$warp = Warp::getInstance();

// load main template file, located in /layouts/template.php
echo $warp['template']->render('template');


* @package yoo_quantum
* @author YOOtheme
* @copyright Copyright (C) YOOtheme GmbH
* @license GNU/GPL

// get template configuration

<html lang="<?php echo $this['config']->get('language'); ?>" dir="<?php echo $this['config']->get('direction'); ?>">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>
<?php echo $this['template']->render('head'); ?>

<body id="page" class="page <?php echo $this['config']->get('body_classes'); ?>" data-config='<?php echo $this['config']->get('body_config','{}'); ?>'>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('absolute')) : ?>
<div id="absolute">
<?php echo $this['modules']->render('absolute'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

<div id="block-header">

<div class="wrapper">

<header id="header">

<div id="headerbar" class="grid-block">

<div id="toolbar" class="grid-block">

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('toolbar-l') || $this['config']->get('date')) : ?>
<div class="float-left">

<?php if ($this['config']->get('date')) : ?>
<time datetime="<?php echo $this['config']->get('datetime'); ?>"><?php echo $this['config']->get('actual_date'); ?></time>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php echo $this['modules']->render('toolbar-l'); ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('toolbar-r')) : ?>
<div class="float-right"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('toolbar-r'); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>


<?php if ($this['modules']->count('logo')) : ?>
<a id="logo" href="<?php echo $this['config']->get('site_url'); ?>"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('logo'); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if($this['modules']->count('headerbar')) : ?>
<div class="left"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('headerbar'); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>


<div id="menubar"><div><div class="grid-block">

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('menu')) : ?>
<nav id="menu"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('menu'); ?></nav>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('search')) : ?>
<div id="search"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('search'); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>


<?php if ($this['modules']->count('banner')) : ?>
<div id="banner"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('banner'); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>




<?php if ($this['modules']->count('top-a')) : ?>
<div id="block-top-a"><div><div>

<section id="top-a" class="wrapper grid-block"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('top-a', array('layout'=>$this['config']->get('top-a'))); ?></section>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('top-b')) : ?>
<div id="block-top-b"><div><div>

<section id="top-b" class="wrapper grid-block"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('top-b', array('layout'=>$this['config']->get('top-b'))); ?></section>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('innertop + innerbottom + sidebar-a + sidebar-b') || $this['config']->get('system_output')) : ?>
<div id="block-main">

<div id="main" class="wrapper grid-block">

<div id="maininner" class="grid-box">

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('innertop')) : ?>
<section id="innertop" class="grid-block"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('innertop', array('layout'=>$this['config']->get('innertop'))); ?></section>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['config']->get('system_output')) : ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('breadcrumbs')) : ?>
<section id="breadcrumbs"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('breadcrumbs'); ?></section>
<?php endif; ?>

<section id="content" class="grid-block"><?php echo $this['template']->render('content'); ?></section>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('innerbottom')) : ?>
<section id="innerbottom" class="grid-block"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('innerbottom', array('layout'=>$this['config']->get('innerbottom'))); ?></section>
<?php endif; ?>


<?php if ($this['modules']->count('sidebar-a')) : ?>
<aside id="sidebar-a" class="grid-box"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('sidebar-a', array('layout'=>'stack')); ?></aside>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('sidebar-b')) : ?>
<aside id="sidebar-b" class="grid-box"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('sidebar-b', array('layout'=>'stack')); ?></aside>
<?php endif; ?>


<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('bottom-a + bottom-b')) : ?>
<div id="block-bottom"><div>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('bottom-a')) : ?>
<section id="bottom-a" class="wrapper grid-block"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('bottom-a', array('layout'=>$this['config']->get('bottom-a'))); ?></section>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('bottom-b')) : ?>
<section id="bottom-b" class="wrapper grid-block"><?php echo $this['modules']->render('bottom-b', array('layout'=>$this['config']->get('bottom-b'))); ?></section>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($this['modules']->count('footer + debug') || $this['config']->get('warp_branding')) : ?>
<div id="block-footer">

<div class="wrapper">

<footer id="footer" class="grid-block">

<?php if ($this['config']->get('totop_scroller')) : ?>
<a id="totop-scroller" href="#page"></a>
<?php endif; ?>

echo $this['modules']->render('footer');
echo $this['modules']->render('debug');



<?php endif; ?>

<?php echo $this->render('footer'); ?>

Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
Regarding your statement about the calendar being off by a day, Rachi, this is what I'm getting:
Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
Regarding your answer about the calendar date being off by one day, Rachi, this is what I'm getting:
Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
rachi_1977 wrote:
go through Joomla's Template Manager
- select "Templates" and "Template Files"
- select "edit main page template"
- scroll down the code to where the opening <head> tag is and enter the script there.

Thanks much. I went to where you said here and all that is in that file is:
Editing file "index.php" in template "tk_blue_moon":

* @package yoo_master
* @author YOOtheme
* @copyright Copyright (C) YOOtheme GmbH
* @license GNU/GPL

// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// include config

// get warp
$warp = Warp::getInstance();

// load main template file, located in /layouts/template.php
echo $warp['template']->render('template');

If I go to /layouts/template.php as it says in the 2nd to last line I do have a <Head> area, but it currently only has one line in it:

<?php echo $this['template']->render('head'); ?>

Yours has a lot more stuff. Do I need to add anything else? I tried adding that one line and it didn't do anything.
Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, I am having that issue. I created one object that is only bookable on Monday, however, when I look at the weekly calendar to book it, it’s showing up as a Sunday booking.

I have tried using the booking.php patch files (one dated in April and the other June) and neither worked.

The other problem I am having is the issue where you can not book on the monthly calendar as the colored box doesn’t show up. I’ve tried several things like adding that no conflict code, even talked to the template developer and he didn’t know what to do.

My site is and to get to Artio you need to login on the main page (use test/test) and then you will see a “Booking Options (Testing)” link in the main nav. Click that and then Artio Booking in the dropdown. You’ll notice I’m testing two other systems but I like this one best so far if it’ll work.

I really need to have this sorted out so we can start taking reservations Monday.

Thank you!

Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
I really do need an answer to this.

You said, "...all days for which is not set any price..."

From what I can see, the only place to set days and prices is if I go to Objects, click my service, and then Prices. I see a Date Range, but that only gives the dates between one start and end point.

Let's say my studio is going to be running for the next 20 years, I'd want the date range to be from now till 12/31/2032. But I'm only open Mon-Saturday. I can see that I can just not check the Sunday box. However, if I'm going on vacation from August 1-August 20, how do I close that range? Or if I'm simply at the doctor on July 21 from 9am-1pm but open after that? Other than that start/end range, I don't see another place to tell the system of days to not set a price.

Also, what if I have 20 different services? Do I need to go and do the same thing 20 times?

Please keep in mind that I am not using this to book properties but to book my photography service, but through testing, it seems like it'll work great, if I can get this sorted out.
Closed days / holida ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
I still don't understand. Let's say that I know I'll be out on July 4th. I am a photographer and I have two other photographers, but someone wants to book with me. I need to somehow add to the calendar that I would not be available on that specific day. How is that done?
Closed days / holida ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

What do you mean my "importing" mootools and jquery?

I just read that mootools is part of the joomla install. If you mean install, how would I install jquery after mootools? Is there something that shows me how to do this?
Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
jitr wrote:

Unavailable days are highlighted by red colour.

As the admin, how do I mark those days? I can't find where/how to do it.
Closed days / holida ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
I am trying to set up this component to book photography sessions and studio rentals in my studio. Is there a way to mark off days that I'm not working, or that a certain room is booked, so that no one can book the object or service at that time?
Closed days / holida ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
rachi_1977 wrote:
... the problem was resolved by simply adding the following code inside the <head></head> section of my templates/index.php file

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>

Are you saying you did this in Booking's template or the template that your site is themed off of? I've checked both and the only index.php file contains no <head> but rather just php code. When I added <head><script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script></head> to the top of my template's index.php file I didn't see a change and when I added it to the bottom of the file I got formatting errors. So I'm still lost.
Calendar Buttons not ...
Category: Customer Support
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