Yes I did.
I get these errors:
1.JROOT/administrator/language/it-IT/it-IT.com_vminvoice.ini : errore(i) alla(e) linea(e) 160, 452
._TAX="Mostra Prezzo IVA escl."
2. JROOT/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_vminvoice.ini : errore(i) alla(e) linea(e) 409, 436
COM_VMINVOICE_HELP_TEMPLATE="Use <br> (shift+enter) for new lines.\nDo not use absolute column sizes, only percentage.\nNote TCPDF doesn't handle some advanced HTML tags and CSS. See <a href=
"" target=
">library documentaion and forum</a>.\nYou can enclose language strings by square brackets to be translated, and even specify language file which have to be loaded (e.g.[com_content:Article]).\nWhen using TinyMCE, you need to toggle editor back after editing raw HTML, else content will not be saved."
COM_VMINVOICE_WORDS_HELP="NOTE: tags with +{-words} can be used with
" suffix for words representation, for example {total-words}. Note that only some languages are supported."
3. JROOT/language/it-IT/it-IT.com_vminvoice.ini : errore(i) alla(e) linea(e) 35
#1 and #3 solved removing (red) dots.
#2 maybe depends on double quotes?