Hi actually, I find I need more paid support. I have had joomSEF installed, but it plays naughty tricks and does not want to play nice with SobiPro. For example sometimes it causes certain entries to be locked because they are supposedly being edited by other users and so on. When I disable joomSEF the nastiness goes away.
This might have something to do with the way that I have joomSEF set up however. What I really need is some professional take a look at it and set it so it functions automatically and I don't have to touch it anymore. But I need to be guaranteed (!) that it will work well and without hiccups. Also it needs to work so I don't have to manually rewrite urls anymore. I have a live site, and it is becoming undoable to rewrite all the user entries by hand.
My site is
What I need doing is:
1. Update the sobipro plugin so the city of the entry owner is shown in the url.
2. Update it so that the keyword related url's, actually show the keywords in the url.
3. Configure it so that it does not cause problems, and actually work well to help along the SEO on my site. That means also that the metadata and so on should work.
Can you give me an estimate for this, so I can purchase paid support.