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Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo
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TOPIC: Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo

Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo 11 years, 9 months ago #38981


Just purchased the extension for JoomlaSEF

I can't seem to install it :-(

Unable to detect manifest file

Error installing JoomSEF Extension

The install button in the JoomlaSEF extensions screen just leads me to the Joomla core extension screen, then, when installing the extension, I get the above message.

Please advise
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Re: Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo 11 years, 9 months ago #38988

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Check if the following file exists:

If it doesn't, copy it there from /administrator/components/com_sef/adapters/sef_ext.php

That should fix the problem.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo 11 years, 9 months ago #39012

I did that and I still cannot install the Yoonique ZooSEF extension.

I managed to install Artio Joomla ZooSef by a work around (adding the registration key in the uninstalled extension panel then selcting "get extension" once the key turned yellow.

But this does't make it work for Yoonique SEF adaptor..

Yours works fine btw. I'm just having an issue with Zoolanders Filter and perhaps Yoonique's Zoo extension works with it ?

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Re: Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo 11 years, 9 months ago #39019

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Have you uninstalled our Zoo extension before installing the Yoonique's one?
Other than that 'm sorry, but we can't provide support for 3rd party extensions. Please contact Yoonique's Zoo extension authors to obtain support for their extension.

I can try to help you with the Zoolanders Filter usage with our extension. Please post some examples of SEF URLs that doesn't work as expected and their corresponding Real URLs stored in JoomSEF's URLs Manager.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo 11 years, 9 months ago #39020


Yes, your SEF is installed and working,

I just want to try Yoonique to see of it works with Zoolanders ZooFilter as your seems to have an ItemID issue with it

1) is there a way to turn OFF SEF for just that module (Zoo Filter) ?
2) I understand you don't want to undetake support for other devs. I think the problem for the install is with your component, no ? The install button just sends to the Joomla ext installation core.

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Re: Can't install ext_joomladef4_zoo 11 years, 9 months ago #39021

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
1) You can enable/disable SEF only for whole components. But there is also an option to disable SEF for URLs with specific variables values - if you can post an example of Zoo Filter's generated SEF URL and corresponding Real URL from JoomSEF's URLs Manager, I can help you with the configuration to disable those.

2) This is a correct behaviour, JoomSEF uses Joomla's Extension Manager to install its extensions. You just need to have the file I mentioned in my first post correctly installed for the installation to work. If the installation doesn't work even if the file is present, there is most likely some problem with the extension package itself.
ARTIO Support Team
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