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Queries Regarding SEF Component
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TOPIC: Queries Regarding SEF Component

Queries Regarding SEF Component 12 years, 10 months ago #30007


I am running a joomla virtuemart based online shopping website and i am looking for SEF component. Presently i am using a SEF component but having few problems, so our management has decided to switch to new SEF component system. we are having the below problems with the existing component. Please let me the clarifications for the below queries. Once i receive the clarifications for the below we would like to proceed with the purchase of the component.

1. If i am having a product Aerofit Motorized Treadmill AF 799 in category Beauty/Fitness Equipments -> Fitness Equipments --> Treadmills --> Aerofit Motorized Treadmill AF 799 on Presently i am having URL like: With your SEF component how the URL looks like.

2. I want to include the Product ID in the URL, can we do that.

3. Does your component work only for Virtuemart, becuase i am also using kunena and operating it as forum. Can you please confirm me whether it work for kunena also. If yes, how the URL looks like.

4. Presently i am having a problem like multiple URLs getting created for one product and they all are also indexing in Google which impacting my rankings as it is a online shoping site it impacting my rankings and revenue. With your component can we avoid this problem. I would like to have one link per product.

5. Initially i have the product name while updating a product in virtuemart as Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch 0CTH-670/K0-CX, So the URL will be created for this using the component. Some how i found a mistake in the product name afterwards, so i would like to remove the FUN from name and changed the name of the product to Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch 0CTH-670/K0-CX. Now will the component create a new URL using the new name or it will use the old URL. I would like to have URLwith latest product name. Can I make this with your component.

6. The present component which am using now will create a URL for each page of category am browsing like and and these links are getting indexed in google and creating lot of inconvenience. Example if i am having 100 products in a category and opted to display 10 products for a page then it will create links like www.........Page-1.html, www.........Page-2.html, www.........Page-3.html and so on till www.........Page-10.html. And all these links are getting indexed in google. Is there any solution for this with your plugin. I would like to have only one link for a category instead of multi page URls.

7. Please search for the text "wacom bamboo geniemart" in google. Google is showing up the results. when i click on the results of geniemart it is routing at the below link "". Few products are getting indexed with “index2” in the url, the pages which are indexed in google with prefix link "" are not having header and footer part. For the same product Wacom Bamboo Pen 0CTL-470/K0-CX, when you visited through the website the link is "" which contains header and footer. This is creating lot problems for me and number of products are getting indexed with “index2” in Url. Can you please guide me why the pages are indexing in google with link prefix as "" and can I overcome this problem with your component.

8. With present component I am having URLs like and for same product. I am a bit confused why I am getting the VMCHK in the URL. I don’t want to get the VMCHK in the url. Can we avoid this. For one product two links are getting created and indexing in google.

9. How the URL will look like for non-product pages, like check out, cart and home page etc.

10. Will your component handle redirects and 404 error, if yes how to handle them.

11. Apart from virtuemart we are using kunena, ACAJOOM, xmap components etc... does your components create any contention problems with existing components.

12. If I need any support aftr purchasing the module, do you provide support. How much time it will take.

Thank you
Rama Krishna
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Re: Queries Regarding SEF Component 12 years, 10 months ago #30021

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

1. The URLs format is configurable, but you can have URLs like: (the slash in category title will be converted to dash)

2. Yes, you can include Product ID in URL.

3. By default our component generates SEF URLs only for standard Joomla components like Content, Newsfeeds, Weblinks or Contacts. You need to install JoomSEF extension for each component you want to generate nice SEF URLs for. But apart from VirtueMart, we also offer an extension for Kunena. Basically the URLs look like (but the format is configurable)

4. This is hard to tell, as VirtueMart generates lots of duplicate URLs. Our VirtueMart extension tries to minimize the duplicate URLs generated, but it's not always possible.

5. The SEF URL is generated and stored in database the first time it's used on the website. From then on, if you change anything (product name, category name), the URL remains the same, until you manually update or delete that URL, so it will be recreated with new settings.

6. In our component, you can configure if the pagination URLs are generated as SEF ( or non-SEF ( But you can't prevent Google from indexing them. However, if you choose to use the non-SEF form, the Canonical meta tag is generated for them linking to the first page (, which tells Google that it should use the first page URL.

7. This is again hard to tell. Those URLs may have been indexed before you used SEF component, or they can be generated by VirtueMart somewhere on your website, in which case you can't prevent Google from indexing them. You would need to modify the VirtueMart's component code not to display those URLs.

8. The vmchk part is used by VirtueMart to check if cookies are enabled in the web browser. It has nothing to do with the SEF component, you can disable it in VirtueMart's configuration.

9. You can check in our E-Shop area, we're using VirtueMart with our JoomSEF component:

10. What do you mean by redirects? In JoomSEF, you can manually create 301 redirects, if that's what you want. 404 may be handled by displaying custom 404 page (created as article in Joomla) or by displaying the home page.

11. Kunena and Xmap work correctly with JoomSEF. I don't have any information about problems with AcaJoom.

12. We provide a free support as advices through our Support forums. The response time is in 3 business days (but usually it's faster). If you purchase the VIP package, there's a special Priority support section for you with 1 business day response time.
For problems specific to your web server or website (eg. when we can't reproduce the reported problem, or when it depends on your website's menu structure) we offer a paid support service, the price depends on the time needed to solve the problem:

We also offer paid installation service for JoomSEF:

And if you're interested, we can also do everything for you from JoomSEF installation to required extensions installation and configuring everything to your needs. We may also do custom modifications in our component to suit your needs. With your custom requirements, please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

You may also download the free version of JoomSEF in our Downloads section for testing:
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Queries Regarding SEF Component 12 years, 9 months ago #30109


Thanks for ur reply. I am much concerned about the below two issues, Please let me know how can we over come these.

1. Presently i am having a problem like multiple URLs getting created for one product and they all are also indexing in Google which impacting my rankings as it is a online shoping site it impacting my rankings and revenue. With your component can we avoid this problem. I would like to have one link per product.

2. Please search for the text "wacom bamboo geniemart" in google. Google is showing up the results. when i click on the results of geniemart it is routing at the below link "". Few products are getting indexed with “index2” in the url, the pages which are indexed in google with prefix link "" are not having header and footer part. For the same product Wacom Bamboo Pen 0CTL-470/K0-CX, when you visited through the website the link is "" which contains header and footer. This is creating lot problems for me and number of products are getting indexed with “index2” in Url. Can you please guide me why the pages are indexing in google with link prefix as "" and can I overcome this problem with your component.

Thank you.
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Re: Queries Regarding SEF Component 12 years, 9 months ago #30150

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

1. It's hard to tell if JoomSEF will eliminate all the duplicates by default, as VirtueMart is really not doing a good job in generating URLs, so it may be required to modify your VirtueMart templates or even VirtueMart's core source code to avoid them. It depends on where and why the duplicates are generated. But of course as a paid service we can check the problem on your website and try to find a solution.

2. I'm sorry but I don't see any index2.php links in google, only URLs like·Ol·BX.html. But anyway, the index2.php URLs are usually used in Joomla for AJAX calls and shouldn't be indexed by Google, but it's possible that VirtueMart used them somewhere on your website. Again, this depends on the structure of your website and where the URLs are generated by VirtueMart. Again, we can check this and try to solve it as a paid service directly on your website, but I don't think that our component will fix it for you. I think that a modification in VirtueMart's code or your website's structure will be needed.
ARTIO Support Team
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