Thank you for your interest. First of all you need to purchase the main JoomSEF component at
The needed version depends on Joomla version you use - for Joomla 1.5 you need JoomSEF 3, for Joomla 1.6 and above (including 2.5) you need JoomSEF 4.
In order for JoomSEF to generate nice SEF URLs for each component you use in Joomla, it needs a specific JoomSEF extension installed for that component. Core JoomSEF contains extensions for core Joomla components (like Content, Newsfeeds or Weblinks), but if you want SEF URLs for 3rd party components (like VirtueMart), you need to install additional extensions - some are free for download from our website and some are available for purchase in our e-shop.
Specifically for VirtueMart, you may purchase the JoomSEF + VM extension bundle to save money.
During a purchase, you need to specify website's domain where JoomSEF will be used in order to obtain free online updates. You can also specify one test site domain, so you can test new JoomSEF versions on a development website first.
We also offer an installation services, see:
If you have some specific requirements for your website or you needed some software customizations, you can contact us at
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