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Site Name Displayed on Title Tags
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TOPIC: Site Name Displayed on Title Tags

Site Name Displayed on Title Tags 15 years, 1 month ago #10130

Hi there.

This product is new to me so please be patient. JoomSEF v3.5.3 - Joomla v1.5.14.

I've created specific meta data for a couple of urls to test, turned off the meta data option in Global Config in Joomla, but the title tag appears to display the website name as specified in Global Config. I don't want it to display. How do I get around this? Doesn't seem good sense to not name the website - which would probably fix the issue.

Any recommendations are welcome.

Many thanks
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Re:Site Name Displayed on Title Tags 15 years, 1 month ago #10261

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Go to Plugin Manager, click the System - ARTIO JoomSEF plugin and set the "Use sitename in page titles" option to "No".

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:Site Name Displayed on Title Tags 15 years ago #10672

Hi David

Thank you for your reply. I had already set that to 'no' but it doesn't turn it off. If i set to yes after title it shows it twice.

url is

Any further help much appreciated.

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Re:Site Name Displayed on Title Tags 15 years ago #10753

I also have this problem on

I have turned off the System - SEF plugin
I have turned off Meta description etc in Joomla Global config
I have set it to Site name after title in plugin and have still got the Website name in front of the title?
Learning is just a trick, I just can't quite get there.... Yet!
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Re:Site Name Displayed on Title Tags 15 years ago #10757

  • jaku
in that case it is possible that this "title" is already coming from Joomla core. (JoomSEF does not create it completely, it only modyfies it)

Try to set the site title in Joomla Configuration to empty string to see, if it has any efect.
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Re:Site Name Displayed on Title Tags 15 years ago #10763

Thank you

This removes the site name from the title, however the title now leads with a '-'. Is there any way of getting rid of that?
Learning is just a trick, I just can't quite get there.... Yet!
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