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Renew upgrade subscription
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Renew upgrade subscription

Renew upgrade subscription 15 years, 1 month ago #10454

I see that my upgrade is about to expire, and was wondering if there is a renew deal, or do I have to pay for the full package again? If it is the latter, I must say I am rather disappointed, as I am a firm believer of only paying for the software ONCE.

Also, I find it a bit strange that my subscription expires, as you already offer up a free product with backlinks, but I guess it is a way of securing revenue...
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Re:Renew upgrade subscription 15 years, 1 month ago #10474

  • jaku
Dear Magnus,

well, we do not require you to pay again for the software you are using.
Just if you want to receive new updates with new and improved features, you may prolong it. You can of course keep using your current version.

I think the logics behind is clear - we want to keep developing the software for you, but it is a continuos process, so to be able to do so, we need to finance it somehow. Also, the support is quite costly, so I hope you will understand and support further improvements of JoomSEF.

So far, there is no special way for "renewal", we are still looking for the best way how to do it. The simplest way at the moment is to make new order. We can offer you a coupon discount for it.
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Re:Renew upgrade subscription 15 years ago #10499

Yeah, I figured it was a way of keeping the revenue rolling. I was just worried when I did not see any renawal options, and my subscribtion ends at the end of the month. How will I obtain a coupon for renewal? I will most likely renew, as long as it will include an upgrade to Joomla! 1.6?
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Re:Renew upgrade subscription 15 years ago #10502

  • jaku
support of Joomla 1.6 is of course planned. We are already testing it.

As regards coupon, we will send the code to your email. We are also working on the renewal ordering system, but I am not sure it will be ready before end of the month, so we will send you the coupon for now.
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Re:Renew upgrade subscription 15 years ago #10523

Thank you. Is the one year from day of purchase or installation? If it is from day of purchase, I will wait until next week, so I get those extra days ;)
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Re:Renew upgrade subscription 15 years ago #10524

  • jaku
:-) this one will be from date of purchase.
The system we are creating will extent the original period.
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