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Profile for MagnusB

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 14:57
  • Posts: 26
  • Profile Views: 3305
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I figured it out, just thought it was automatically set to being included, and you had to disable URL's to include. If you by default do not include any URLs, the default settings should not be set to ping any services :)
Generate sitemap doe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am trying to use the sitemap feature, but each change I do is not reflected in the XML file it is supposed to generate, in fact the entire file is empty with the exception of:
<urlset xsi:schemaLocation="">

I would also like a possibility to exclude URLs based on menu item, as I have set some menu entries for members only, thus it is not necessary to include those in a sitemap.
Generate sitemap doe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
You are probably adding menu alias to the URL, you need to configure it so it doesn't. Go to Manage components, then select K2and select the Common tab. In there, set Show Menu Title to no. For the CSS, it might be that it can't find it. Check to see if the CSS is correctly loaded by using Firebug or similar. It might help changing your base href settings (I use No - leave original so that anchors are properly handled).
K2 content duplicati ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Done and done :)

I've no complaints about the support I've received here, and from plugin developers (Denis Dulici). My issues have usually been solved within a day of posting...
Renew upgrade subscr ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Ok, will wait till next week then :)

Thanks for your help so far, I've no complaints about the support I've received here, which is a major part of why I am upgrading. Keep up the good work :)
Renew upgrade subscr ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you. Is the one year from day of purchase or installation? If it is from day of purchase, I will wait until next week, so I get those extra days ;)
Renew upgrade subscr ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yeah, I figured it was a way of keeping the revenue rolling. I was just worried when I did not see any renawal options, and my subscribtion ends at the end of the month. How will I obtain a coupon for renewal? I will most likely renew, as long as it will include an upgrade to Joomla! 1.6?
Renew upgrade subscr ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I see that my upgrade is about to expire, and was wondering if there is a renew deal, or do I have to pay for the full package again? If it is the latter, I must say I am rather disappointed, as I am a firm believer of only paying for the software ONCE.

Also, I find it a bit strange that my subscription expires, as you already offer up a free product with backlinks, but I guess it is a way of securing revenue...
Renew upgrade subscr ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I figured out what casued the ?time to appear (Unix timestamp). Was JFusion that created them, not Joomla!.
Adding ?time= to url
Category: JoomSEF 3
3.5.3 fixed it, thank you
3.5.2 breaks my site
Category: JoomSEF 3
Just upgraded to latest release and found that it creates tons of PHP Debug messages. It also generates a few errors, like:
 Warning: Missing argument 2 for JoomSEF::_varFilterTest(), called in /components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 168 and defined in /components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 2019

I checked and saw that debug is off in Joomla global config.
3.5.2 breaks my site
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yes, I think so.

BTW, you have lots of spam bots registering here, should give moovur a try ;)
Adding ?time= to url
Category: JoomSEF 3
I added that, but I tried to filter find the URL, and saw that it is not stored. I am not sure what causes it, as it only appears after a while of idle (I think) and then a refresh or switch of page. It is not limited to one component, it can appear on any component loaded. I think it appeared after I upgraded J!, but I am not entirely sure, as it is only today I noticed it was causing an error.
Adding ?time= to url
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have recently noticed that some times Joomla! adds a ?time=xxxxxx to the SEF url. I have no idea what is causing this, but it is messing up with some other component. Any idea what might be causing it? Or how to figure out what is causing it?

Most likely not a JoomSEF issue, but I was hoping someone could help me find out what caused it here..
Adding ?time= to url
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you, jan ;)

Just that the sub menus got a bit cluttered, so I would prefer if only the important ones were included there (Global conf, view sef urls etc). I usually just navigate from the dashboard anyways, and that has become much better, kudos on that.

And just to be clear, JoomSEF only calls home when an upgrade is attempted? I generally disapprove of home calling, but seeing as it does that when upgrading anyway, I would not car that much.

Ohh, and I forgot. As I am not sure if the download ID was accepted (it is copy paste), will I get an warning if I try to upgrade, and the authentication fails? Or do I have to download the package and reinstall?
Upgrade and download ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I just checked, and I could view my orders again. But there still is something wrong, because when I pressed on the com_joomsef3 I saw got redirected to the frontpage of the e-shop. I just copied the id from the URL generated, but when I saved the config it did not give me any confirmation that it was working or accepted, this should be addressed.

Also, the password field is clear text and not a password field. I do not like that, I prefer all my passwords to be starred, even if it is in the backend. I also have noticed that the new menu for the component creates some blank entries (under "Upgrade" there is an empty space that links to the dashboard, same under "Manage 301 redirects"), in Firefox 3.0.14 (Linux version). But other than that, I like the new config screen, but I would prefer if you used less sub menu entries.
Upgrade and download ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I see the new version requires a Artio username, password and download ID for the upgrade of the paid version to work. I find it a bit cumbersome, because it is a long time since I purchased, and the download ID email is on a computer I do not have access to at the moment. I also tried to retrieve it from the e shop, but it only gave a blank page when I tried to view the order. What will happen if I upgrade without this? Will I be downgraded to the free version? And more importantly, how do I obtain my download ID?

And is this a signal of a change towards a paid subscription model? If so, I will probably look in to changing to another component..
Upgrade and download ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
lol, it was that easy, yes... Thank you, I was just too tired when I had a look at it last time. Funnily enough it supports the dots in the tag component but not when in article links..
Not changing . to -
Category: JoomSEF 3
Recently I have added a few articles with dots (.) in the title, but they are never changed to -, and in result the article is not reachable. I have not changed any of the default settings at the top (sorry about my top notch vocabulary). Anybody have any solutions?
Not changing . to -
Category: JoomSEF 3
Sorry for my double post, but I just noticed that the htaccess rule works just fine. Thank you very much, hopefully this will fix my login issues.
Switching between ht ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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