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More cherry picker woes.
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TOPIC: More cherry picker woes.

Re:More cherry picker woes. 14 years, 7 months ago #13621

After a bit of research, I found that varchar now has a much greater limit so i ran the drop index first then changed the varchar to 10,000. No need to change to text. Anyway, to make this more easily searchable if you're having a problem with JoomSEF and Gart MD's Cherry Picker, change the origurl column to varchar 10,000 instead of 255. Thanks for all your help and advice. Ant.
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Re:More cherry picker woes. 14 years, 5 months ago #15003

I am trying to find a solution for cherry picker to work with joomsef. When I changed varchar to 10000 and removed the index i ended up with jos_sefurls having 73 mb and about 13000 entries. This caused my website to load a page in 10 seconds. I now went back to varchar 255 with index and simply not using joomsef for cherry picker filters.

Another issue is that I also have the default System - SEF plugin enabled along with Artio JoomSEF plugin and this is the only way I get sef urls for cherry picker. If i disable System SEF plugin, the links created with filters are simply not seffed anymore. I don't know if this behaviour is correct, but I don't think it should. Also when i access a filter it would be usefull for the Title of the bage to change using the filter name, because I get a lot of duplicate titles from google.

I hop someone can light me up because I am looking at this matter for a long time.

Than you.
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Re:More cherry picker woes. 14 years, 5 months ago #15004

Hi, I'll be on MSN messenger as This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . I will try and help.
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Re:More cherry picker woes. 14 years, 5 months ago #15009

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

If some URLs are not SEFed properly when System - SEF plugin is disabled, it means that the module generating those links does not support SEF correctly. This is (unfortunately) pretty often. System - SEF plugin is there for this very reason - find the URLs that weren't SEFed correctly and send them to SEF component.

Thank you for the suggestion about the page title for Cherry Picker, we'll add it to our requested features list.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:More cherry picker woes. 14 years, 5 months ago #15022

Hello, have you tried contacting the Cherry Picker support about the jos_sefurl issue? I talked to him today about adding the filter names to the title and it works great. It's a little long to paste in here so if you email me I'll send you his emails.
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Re:More cherry picker woes. 14 years, 5 months ago #15067

that's great news. My email is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and thanx a lot.
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