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Joomsef shows wrong Virtuemarcategory names in URL
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TOPIC: Joomsef shows wrong Virtuemarcategory names in URL

Re:Joomsef shows wrong Virtuemarcategory names in URL 14 years, 7 months ago #14001

Hello David,

Thanks for the compliment and thanks for looking into it.

So my problem is caused by Virtuemart hey :(
Have you ever tried to get support from the Virtuemart team? I would be happy enough if they where only as active for just 10% of your response (and that is a compliment). Search for my name in their forum and you will only find unanswered questions.
So the option of getting help from that side goes in the bin.

The other solution: throwing in a lot of coding and probably get my hands burned..... jeeez no.
I started using joomla because my walnutsized brain handles that much. I certainly won't start coding.

Is there any other hint you can give me except throwing in a bag of $$$ to get around this problem. Other settings? The settings I use now are not sacred for me when other settings work better.


Sjaak Boer
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Re:Joomsef shows wrong Virtuemarcategory names in URL 14 years, 7 months ago #14088

Guess what...

I did try to get help via the virtuemart forum for this problem and for the first time I got help.
My problem is solved.

It had to do with the virtuemart product category component. I didn't even know of the existance of this component. It never got installed correct on my server so it wasn't available for me.
I always had build my Virtuemart menu through the menuitems of joomla.
Well by doing so Virtuemart indeed looks for the wrong ItemID and the wrong URL is shown.

I could solve it by re-installing the virtuemart product category component and start using it as shopmenu. Next to that I had to completely remove the old Joomla menu i used for the shop.

Now Virtuemart shows the correct Url when visitors browse my shop.

This topic can be closed

Thanks for the help.


HINT don't use the joomla menu to browse a virtuemart shop. Use the product category component. You will even have a faster shop.
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Re:Joomsef shows wrong Virtuemarcategory names in URL 14 years, 7 months ago #14089

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

I'm very glad that you've got the help and managed to fix your problems. I hope this topic will also help other people having problems with VirtueMart categories built using Joomla's menu system.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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