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Joomsef crashes after a few hours
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TOPIC: Joomsef crashes after a few hours

Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 4 months ago #8621


Thanks for your quick reply.

Here are the details:

Apache 2.2.2-1.3
MySql 5.0.27-1.fc5
Php 5.1.6-1.6 (Zend Engine v2.1.0 with eAccelerator v0.9.5, Zend Memory Manager Enabled)
Joomla! 1.5.14 Stable

Joomla Cache Configuration:
Cache NO
Cache time: 15 min
Cache manager: File (not eccelerator, and cache is off anyway)

JoomSEF Cache Configuration:
Use cache? NO
Maximum cache size: 1000
Minimum cache hits count: 10
Use standard file locking: NO (I just turned it off to see if this helps)
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 4 months ago #8627

  • jaku
I have discussed this with our server admins and it seems this issue is related to eAccelerator.
That might also explain, that the error has been also noticed on this site, as this server uses eAccelerator as well.

On other servers, we use PHP APC, which seems to be more relieable. I think there might be some bug in eAccelerator. Anyway, I am positive now this is not directly related to JoomSEF.

So, there are 2 options I see:
1. switch off eAccelerator or use different accelerator solution
2. restart the server when the error occurs (I believe it might be automatized using a system script)
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 4 months ago #8632

I agree.

I should try turning it off. I think I'm going to do it from .htaccess, only for this virtual host, using something like php_flag eaccelerator.enable 0
php_flag eaccelerator.optimizer 0.

Before, though, I'd like to see if things get better using shared memory (eaccelerator.shm_only) instead of writing to disk as set by default. I don't think 6.2G is a normal size for /var/cache/php-eaccelerator/.

Thank you so much for your help.

Alfredo Tripicchio
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