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Joomsef crashes after a few hours
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TOPIC: Joomsef crashes after a few hours

Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 9 months ago #6918

I just purchased Joomsef, and it works fine for a few hours after installation, but then it craps out, and when error reporting is on I get this message. Fatal error: Unknown function: () in /home/theoryshare/public_html/libraries/joomla/environment/uri.php on line 324 when error reporting is off then I get a white screen of death.
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 9 months ago #6925

  • jaku

this does not really seem like JoomSEF problem.
File "/home/theoryshare/public_html/libraries/joomla/environment/uri.php" is part of the Joomla core. I am not quite sure, what may be cause of this, but more likely it seems like the file would get overwritten by some process or you have some memory leak or there might be some bug in PHP or other server part.

You can try to debug this by checking the file in question.
In our version of joomle, there is code:
if(isset ($_parts['query'])) parse_str($_parts['query'], $this->_vars);

Which does not really seem that could cause problems. Call to parse_str function is simply a call of PHP core function (see
Last Edit: 15 years, 9 months ago by .
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 7 months ago #7451

This is not a problem with the Joomla Core, in fact I saw this same issue occur on this site just a few days ago.
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 7 months ago #7503

  • jaku
Then in might be problem related to caching, when file locking is not working properly. (it used to be the problem on this site, which runs on a cluster)
In such case, you may try changing file locking options or disable JoomSEF caching. That may affect the consuption of resources a bit, but so far it is the only option on systems, where file locks do not work as supposed.
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 4 months ago #8597


did you find the cause for this?
I'm experiencing the same exact problem on J1.5.14

PHP Fatal error: Unknown function: () in /***/***/libraries/joomla/environment/uri.php on line 324

the line is
                if(isset ($_parts['query'])) parse_str($_parts['query'], $this->_vars);

but the php error log does not complain about parse_str function, it seems to be looking for a function with no name.

the effect is a blank page instead of the frontpage, sometimes even the backend gets blank.

I've tried with all possible combinations of skipped components in joomsef configuration, and with joomsef itself disabled, as well as native sef disabled, but the problem occurs every now and then, quite randomly.

The only thing I can do to restore the site is gracefully reloading apache, some times this is not enough, and I have to restart the server.

This makes me think that probably it's not a joomsef problem, maybe not even a joomla problem, but something related to the caching system. Sorry to post this problem here, but this is the only place I found it is mentioned.

Thank you,
Alfredo Tripicchio
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Re:Joomsef crashes after a few hours 15 years, 4 months ago #8606

  • jaku
Dear Alfredo,

thanks for your post.
Unforntunally I have not hit the problem myself yet, so I cannot try to debug it.
However I agree with you that it might be neither JoomSEF nor Joomla problem.
Are you using some PHP acceleration engine, such as APC, eAccelerator, Zend or similar?

Also please, anyone who experience the problem like this, please, post your Apache version + PHP version as well.
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