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JoomSEF admin panel crashing my server!
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: JoomSEF admin panel crashing my server!

JoomSEF admin panel crashing my server! 14 years ago #20586

I have big trouble with joomsef.
I can't access via admin panel to manage sefurl's, it is always crashing my server. I have this situation - for few weeks - earlier it was working fine, but now I have about one million of records in jos_sefurls sql table - 450MB!

How Can I fix it and access to SEF URL's manage panel?

my version: 3.7.4

I have also jreview paid extension!

Order Number: 00010767
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Re: JoomSEF admin panel crashing my server! 14 years ago #20686

  • jaku
make sure that you do not have your Joomla list set to "show all". (it would not be a good idea to load a milion records at once)

Most likely, there may be some problem with some specific component generating too many SEF URLs. You should find out which one it is and set it not to use defautl JoomSEF handler. (maybe the component needs a special SEF extension as we have for VirtueMart, Jcal, ...)

With having list limited to 20 rows, the URL Management should display fine even with milion of records in table. You should then use filters to delete the problematic URLs. You might also do it using DB tool such as PhpMyAdmin and delete all records related to a problematic component using a WHERE query LIKE '%com_XXX%' on orig_url field where XXX is name of the component.
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