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Profile for excentryk

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 23
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I have big trouble with joomsef.
I can't access via admin panel to manage sefurl's, it is always crashing my server. I have this situation - for few weeks - earlier it was working fine, but now I have about one million of records in jos_sefurls sql table - 450MB!

How Can I fix it and access to SEF URL's manage panel?

my version: 3.7.4

I have also jreview paid extension!

Order Number: 00010767
JoomSEF admin panel ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
when will it be released?
problem with paginat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
it is also bug of your script, I won't pay you to repair yours bug on my FTP, because I've already paid you a few weeks ago when I bought your script (witch many bugs).
problem with paginat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
1) so I'm waiting for fix this bug...

2) I clear chache without results...
problem with paginat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
1) I should manualy change 37 pages?! Artio script is not working good ;/ And I have a lot of problem with it. I paid for support but without any answer from admin ;/
Pagination still doesn't work, and I'm waiting for answer.

2) "Nowosci" page is only one of category on my site for article.
Other Section/Category name:

It shows article just like main page (but here pagination is different).

Please help.
problem with paginat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
hey - admin I'm paying user but you didn't answer me :(
problem with paginat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have problem with SEF pagination on my site.

On my main page I have wron page number for example: is loading page no. 10.
but is loading correctly page no. 4.
My last page is: page with number 36, but it have this link:
Why?! How can I fix this?

Second problem:
- why on my category/section pages for example here:
I have other pagination links? I would like to have this link to second page: on my section.
But I have this:

Please help...

Order Number: 00010862
problem with paginat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
It is caused by Jom Comment plugin. Can you help me how can I fix this problem with this plugin?
When I disable Jomcomment plugin site is working fine.
Access to this locat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yes. It is disappear when I disable JoomSEF plugin.
Access to this locat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i'm still having a problem with one link:

yes i always clear cache after any changes.
problem with link in ...
Category: Extensions
I bought yours jreview paid extension
Order Number: 00010767

and I have a problem:

in my jreview directory main page here:

I have wrong link url.
For example:
Praca (112)
Szukam pracy (43), Zatrudnię (69)

Now I have:

But it should be:

it is redirecting when I click on it to correctly format - but why it is not show correctly?
I would like to change it in Manage SEF URLs but there I can;t found "zatrudnie/zatrudnie".
In other menu for example here: links have correctly format - but I don't understand why in directory main menu it has problem?
Please help me.
problem with link in ...
Category: Extensions
I disabled all of my modules but still have this error: "Access to this location is not allowed. "

It is disappear only when I disable SEF -url component... or for a few minutes after "purge sef urls"
Access to this locat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
emo Access to this locat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have Legacy mode enabled.
Access to this locat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have a problem on my section view page: "Access to this location is not allowed.
My page is loading good but I have this error on the top - how can I repair this?

Order Number: 00010862
Access to this locat ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i have the same problem.
I have paid SEF-url but I can't disable link at the bottom of my ajax register component. Please answer how can I remove it?
Artio advertising ap ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have a problem.
I would like to have oryginal joomla url in my article (content extension), I set the "Default Joomla! router" in extension settings, but now it is not generating SiteMap with my article :(

How can I set the URL just like oryginal joomla have (for example:, Joomla SEF is not generating ID before topic title -can I add ID in SEF url?

With SEF I have second problem - I can't load my category page, I have 404 error on my site when I enter to this url: (when I disabled SEF this URL is loading fine a list of my article in category)...
Please help me.

Order Number: 00010862
problem with SEF con ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
The error is: 404 - Article not found: #3571
but the URL is to my Article Section List (all article from one of my section).
I think the SEF don't know about this section - because I don't see in Manage SEF url TABs.

Yes I have enable "be tolerant to trailing slashing".
How can I fix this?
section link - probl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yhm, I bought PAID extension which is not working good, and nobody from administration will help me to fix this?!
jreview - tag proble ...
Category: Extensions
How can I disable SEF for some components? for example I would disable SEF-rewrite to my aritcle section and category because joomsef show 404 error for some links.

For example this article is working good:

but I can't load a category page: (404 error)... When I disable joomsef plugin it is loading fine...

How can I fix this 404 error to load article list of my section without problems?
section link - probl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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