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Is it possible to let some urls as old urls?
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TOPIC: Is it possible to let some urls as old urls?

Is it possible to let some urls as old urls? 15 years, 5 months ago #8105


i have some urls that should not be "translated" in SEF urls. So is it possible to say Joomsef that these urls should not be translated? If i delete the in the menu "view/edit urls" after a few minutes or hours the url is there, again.

Please, can someone help me?
Thanks a lot
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Re:Is it possible to let some urls as old urls? 15 years, 5 months ago #8136

  • jaku
yes, it works as you describe.
There is no possibility to disallow cration of SEF links for a specific URL.
You have 2 options at the moment:
1. disable SEF URL creationfor whole component
2. prevent JoomSEF from creating any more URL (disable new URL creation setting in JoomSEF) -- that will use the already existing URLs, but it will not create any new ones; this is okay for "static" sites, where not much new content that would require new URLs is added
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Re:Is it possible to let some urls as old urls? 15 years, 5 months ago #8208

Hi Jan,
thanks for the info.

there is one question. i use one plugin for an componente and some of this urls i would like to delete.
so if i set this plugin for the component to "skip" there will no more new sef urls and all old sef urls are still active, right?
if i have one new url in the component and would like to add a sef url manually, this is still possible although the plugin is on "skip"?
Thanks for your help
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Re:Is it possible to let some urls as old urls? 15 years, 5 months ago #8209

  • jaku
I am not 100% sure about this, but it could work.
What I am not sure is, whether it will be processes correctly if you set the component state to "skip". You need to test this. :-)
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