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com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on
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TOPIC: com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on

com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on 15 years, 1 month ago #10168

the title says it all. i dont return any results from anything but categories when using the search.
when i turn off sef, search works fine.


see in action at
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Re:com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on 15 years, 1 month ago #10260

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Could you please provide me with some example? What should I try to search and what result is expected instead of what I get?
Thank you.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on 15 years, 1 month ago #10427

i have the same problem.
if i search for eg: "search word" the url turns to
and the iputfield of com_search turn to search+word.

if i manually type in the url everything works fine.

any ideas?
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Re:com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on 15 years, 1 month ago #10435

  • jaku

1) are you using JoomFish?
2) do you have JfRouter plugin turned OFF?
3) I am not sure where "search.php" is coming from - that does not seem to be generated by JoomSEF, unless oyu have configured the ".php" as file suffix.

So I think that might be some configuration issue.
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Re:com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on 15 years, 1 month ago #10440

sorry. i forgot to say hello,

i´m using joomla 1.0.15 and JoomFish 1.8.2.

1) are you using JoomFish?


2) do you have JfRouter plugin turned OFF?

where will i find this option? - don´t know.

3) I am not sure where "search.php" is coming from - that does not seem to be generated by JoomSEF, unless oyu have configured the ".php" as file suffix.

yes, .php is configured as file suffix. - i don´t want to change this.
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Re:com_search component broken with joomSEF turned on 15 years, 1 month ago #10442

  • jaku
ad 2)
in system plugins - it needs to be turned off, when running at the same time with JoomSEF

ad 3)
ok, that would explain that
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